“The Mormonites.” The Village Chronicle (17 May 1831).
“The Mormonites.” The Village Chronicle (17 May 1831).
The Mormonites.—Some unworthy and spotted members, according to the western
papers, have crept in like grevious wolves among these silly sheep, in the new fold of Mormon,
at Painesville, Ohio. The predominance of their preposterous tenents has already made
considerable additions to the society. Their location is pleasant—they have “all thing is
common”—and it is not surprising that these inducements should bring together a community of
vagrants, lovers of idleness, and haters of “the bitter dropping sweat and sweltry pain” of manual
“Thither continued pilgrims crowded still
From all the roods of earth that pass thereby :
For as they chanced to breath on neighboring hill
The freshness of the valley smote their eye
And drew them ever and anon more nigh.”
Recently, among the accessions to their number, they received a few individuals, who
were not only poor in spirit, but in dress; and some men, to the shame-facedness of the sex be it
spoken, who entered into the Mormonite communion nearly sans inexpressibles, did, with malice
aforethough, appropriate a considerable and amount of corporeal drapery, and straitway, like
wolves in sheep’s clothing, made off, leaving their places desolate and void, with the exception
of the cast off garments which remained behind.—If the precepts of the new golden bible which
the Mormonites have found do not possess more influence than these specemins of conduct
would lead us to believe, we think the sect had better dissolve their encampment, melt up the
yellow plates into bars, and sell them the first opportunity.—Phil. Gaz.