“Mormonites.” Working Man’s Advocate (New York) 2, no. 39 (1
“Mormonites.” Working Man’s Advocate (New York) 2, no. 39 (14 May 1831).
MORMONITES.—Many of our readers, we suspect, are scarcely aware that a new
religion has sprung up in the west, which numbers many hundreds among its professors,
and, as far as we can learn from the papers, is on the increase. From the serious and
earnest manner in which some of the papers speak of the new religionists, we are almost
inclined to think that their editors are really alarmed for the safety of their own faith.
Ridiculous as is the idea that the founders of this new religion discovered their Bible
inscribed on sheets of gold, which vanished as soon as it was translated, it is not more
ridiculous than the stories of the origin of some other books which are now referenced as
holy by large portions of this earth’s inhabitants; nor more ridiculous than the idea of a
Christian editor, in a Christian country, solemnly writing articles to prove the
inauthenticity of the “Golden Bible.”
The following is the latest notice we have seen of the Mormonites. One would
imagine from its tone, that the editor was trembling in his shoes when he wrote it. It is
from the Painesville (Ohio) Gazette:
“Last Thursday evening, for the first time, we heard a rigmarole called a Mormon
sermon. It was delivered by a ‘teacher’ of the name of Pratt, who has returned from far
west. His object was, of course, to establish the divine origin of his book, by showing that
the had as good evidence for it as we have for our scriptures. To make out the
comparison, he made a lean and jejune attempt to weaken the evidence of the revealed
religion, and insisted that they all depended on human testimony, and of no better
authority than that by which the Mormon bible is attempted to be established. In short,
were it not that he professed to come ‘in the name of the Lord,’ we should have
considered his discourse a miserable effort to promulgate infidelity.”
By the “far west” mentioned above, we suppose the land of promise is intended,
the new country whither the Mormonites are journeying.