“Gold Bible, [No.1].” The Reflector (Palmyra, New York) 2, n
“Gold Bible, [No.1].” The Reflector (Palmyra, New York) 2, no. 10 (6 January 1831): 76.
GOLD BIBLE.—We have long been waiting, with considerable anxiety, to see some of
our cotemporaries attempt to explain the immediate causes, which produced that anomaly in
religion and literature, which has most strikingly excited the curiosity of our friends at a distance,
generally known under the cognomen of the Book of Mormon, or the Gold Bible.
The few notices heretofore given in the public prints, are quite vague and uncertain, and
throw but a faint light on the subject. While some have evinced a spirit of rancor, without giving
the whys and wherefores; others have attached an ominous consequence to this transaction,
which may have a tendency to mislead the ignorant.
It is our intention, so far as in us lies, to give, in accordance with the wishes of our friend
“Plain Truth,” (whose communication will be found in this day’s paper,) a plain and unvarnished
statement of facts, so far as they may come to our knowledge, which may, in our opinion, be
considered as having any connection with the origin, rise, and progress of the book in question;
so that our readers may not only judge of this, but of some other matters for themselves.
By way of introduction, and illustration, we shall introduce brief notices and sketches of
the superstitions of the ancients—the pretended science of alchymy [sic], by which it was vainly
supposed, that the baser metals might be translated into gold—of Mahomet (properly
Mahommed) and other ancient impostures—legends, or traditions respecting hidden treasures,
with the SPIRIT, to whom ignorance has formerly given them in charge—tale of modern
“money-diggers,” and other impostors—the Morristown Ghost, Rogers, Walters, Joanna
Southcote, Jemima Wilkinson, &c.
Our readers will perceive that we have an ample field before us;—how well we shall
execute our task, time will determine—we shall publish only so much weekly as will not
interfere with our variety. Postmastes and others, who can furnish us with interesting notices on
any of the above subjects, shall receive a copy of our paper gratis.