Appleby, W. I. A Dissertation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream: Sho

Appleby, W. I. A Dissertation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream: Showing that the Kingdom Spoken of by Daniel the Prophet was not set up in the Days of the Apostles; and the Order of the Kingdom set up then Explained. Also: The Rise and Faith of the most Notable Orthodox Societies of the Present Day, Together with a Synopsis of the Origin and Faith of the Church of “Latter-Day Saints,” Comparing their Faith with the Faith of Other Societies, 1–24. Philadelphia: Brown, Bicking & Guilbert, 1844. A DISSERTATION On NEBUCHADNEZZAR’S DREAM: SHOWING THAT THE KINGDOM SPOKEN OF BY DANIEL THE PROPHET WAS NOT SET UP IN THE DAYS OF THE APOSTLES; AND THE ORDER OF THE KINGDOM SET UP THEN EXPLAINED. ALSO: THE RISE AND FAITH OF THE MOST NOTABLE ORTHODOX SOCIETIES OF THE PRESENT DAY, TOGETHER WITH A SYNOPSIS OF THE ORIGIN AND FAITH OF THE CHURCH OF “LATTER-DAY SAINTS,” COMPARING THEIR FAITH WITH THE FAITH OF OTHER SOCIETIES. BY W. I. APPLEBY, MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL. “PRO BONO PUBLICO.” PRINTED BY BROWN, BICKING & GUILBERT. NO. 56 N. THIRD STREET, 4th DOOR NORTH OF ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. 1844.