Spencer, Orson. “ Letter of Orson Spencer.” Times and Season
Spencer, Orson. “ Letter of Orson Spencer.” Times and Seasons ( Nauvoo, Illinois) 4, no. 4 ( 2 January 1843): 49– 59. LETTER OF ORSON SPENCER. Nauvoo, November 17, 1842. MY DEAR SIR:— I received yours of the 21st ultimo about a week since, but many engagements have prevented a more early reply. Your enquiries were very interesting and important, and I only regret that I have not more time and room to answer them as their importance and minuteness demand. I am not at all surprised that my old friends should wonder at my change of views. Even to this day it is marvellous in my own eyes how I should be separated from my brethren to this ( Mormon) faith. I greatly desire to see my Baptist brethren face to face, that I may tell them all things pertaining to my views and this work. But at present the care of my wife and six children with the labors of a civil office forbids this privilege. A sheet of paper is a poor conductor of a marvellous and controverted system of theology. But receive this sheet as containing only some broken hints upon which I hope to am- [ 49] plify in some better manner hereafter.