“Mormonism.” Daily Morning Post (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) n
“Mormonism.” Daily Morning Post (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) no. 64 (23 November 1842).
We find in the Boston Bulletin, a review of the work recently published by the notorious
Bennett, giving a history of the rise and progress of the “Latter Day Saints” from the early days
of Joe Smith, to the present time. No confidence can be placed in the assertions of a man, so
hardened in villainy and hypocrisy, as the author of this book; yet, among the innumerable lies
and perversions which, no doubt characterize the work, much truth may be found. The history of
Joe Smith is interesting, as portraying a man ambitious, deceitful, and possessing a degree of
cunning, which fits him remarkably well for the task which he has so successfully carried out.
The family of Smiths, consisting of an old man with three or four sons, lived in the
Western part of New York; their only employment was “digging for money,” which occupation
brought them into communion with the departed spirits, which spirits, they supposed, had the
‘collecting, safekeeping, and disposing’ of the hidden treasures. The experience which Joe
acquired in his avocation, soon led him to make the discovery that some people were easily
gulled, which discovery suggested to him the idea of distinguishing himself by establishing a
new religion. Having a profound knowledge of human nature, he soon succeeded in gaining
followers, principally from the ignorant and superstitious.
The discovery of the book of gold is thus related:—“He repaired to the place of deposite
and demanded the book, which was in a stone box, and so near the top of the ground that he
could see one end of it, and raising it up took out the book of gold; but fearing some one might
discover where he got it, he laid it down to place back the top stone as he found it; and turning
round, to his surprise there was no book in sight. He again opened the box, and in it saw the
book, and attempted to take it out, but was hindered. He saw in the box, something like a toad,
which assumed the appearance of a man and struck him on the side of his head. Not being
discouraged at trifles, he again stooped down and strove to take the book, when the spirit struck
him again and knocked him three or four rods, and hurt him prodigiously.”
The Golden Bible, or Book of Mormon, was first published in 1830, being written much
in the style of the old Testament, and giving an account of the departure of the Lost Tribes of
Israel from Jerusalem under command of Nephi and Lehi—their journey by land and sea, till
they arrived in America—their quarrels and contentions until the Nephites were entirely
destroyed by the children of Lehi, who afterwards dwindled in unbelief, and became a dark,
lothsome, and filthy people—to wit, the American Indians.
The first Mormon Church consisted of six members; and after a number of converts the
prophet received a revelation from Heaven, that the “Saints” should remove to Kirtland, Ohio,
and there take up their abode. Many obeyed the command—selling their possessions, and
helping each other to settle in the spot designated. The place was the Head Quarters of the church
and the residence of the Prophet until 1838.
The leaders in this community having become deeply involved in debt, by trading and
their efforts to erect a Temple, in 1837 the far famed Kirtland Bank was put into operation
without a charter. When the notes were first issued, they were current in the vicinity, and Smith
took advantage of their credit to pay off with them the debts he, and the brethren, had contracted
in the neighborhood for land, &c.—The eastern creditors, however, refused to take them. This
led to the expedient of exchanging for the notes of other banks.—Acordingly the elders were sent
off thro’ the country to barter off Kirtland money, which they did, with great zeal, and continued
the operation, until the notes were not worth twelve and a half cents to the dollar. As might have
been expected, this institution, after a few months, exploded, involving Smith and his brethren in
inextricable difficulties. The consequence was, that he and most of the members of the church,
set off in the spring of 1838, for Far West, Mo., being pursued by their creditors, but to no effect.
(pps 135 136.)
Previous to the breaking up of the com [line missing in scan] had emigrated to Missouri,
where having become very arrogant, claiming the land as their own by a title directly from the
Lord, and making the most haughty assumptions—they had so exasperated the citizens, that in
several places where they attempted to locate, mobs were raised to drive them from the country.
Smith and his associates from Kirtland, brought them to a stand. His Apostles and Elders were
instructed to preach that it was the will of the Lord, that all his followers should assemble in
Caldwell county, Mo., and possess the kingdom—that power would be given them to do so, and
that the children of God were not required to go to war at their own expense. It was estimated
that the Mormons now numbered in this country, and in Europe, about 40,000. The scenes of
depredation which brought on the Missouri war—a struggle between the Mormons and civil
authorities of the state—are matter of history. The result was their entire expulsion from the
state—and the capture of Smith and several of the ringleaders, who after several months’
imprisonment, found means of making their escape to Illinois, whither their comrades had been
The Mormons, as a body, arrived in Illinois in the early part of 1839. At this time they
presented a spectacle of destitution and wretchedness, almost unexampled. This, together with
their tales of persecution and privation, wrought powerfully upon the sympathies of the citizens,
and caused them to be received with the greatest hospitality and kindness. In the winter of
1840—they applied to the legislature of this state to charter the City of Nauvoo, which is situated
on the Mississippi river at the head of the Lower Rapids—a site equal in beauty to any on the
river.—They asked also, for other and peculiar chartered privileges, and such was the desire to
secure their political favor, that they were granted for the asking. The progress of the church,
from this time to May 1842 was rapid; the city of Nauvoo having reached a population of 10,000
in number—the legion, consisting of 2,000 soldiers, well drilled and disciplined; and the whole
Mormon strength, as has been publicy stated, being about 100,000 souls. The Prophet was in
frequent communication with Heaven and taught that his Nauvoo was a resting place only, that
there was to be a great gathering of all the Saints, to conquer Missouri, and rear the great Temple
in Zion, from which they had been driven, and build the new Jerusalem there.
The story of the attempted assassination of Gov. Boggs, and the several rumors of the
arrest of Joe Smith and Rockwell, together with the revolting tales of the prophet’s “Amours,”
&c., are familiar to our readers.
The true origin of the Book of Mormon is this: Solomon Spaulding, of Connaught, Ohio,
during his leisure hours, wrote for his own amusement, a historical romance, which he read in
manuscript to several personal friends, who testify to its identity. He came to Pittsburgh in 1812,
with the view of getting the book printed, and it was left at the office of Mr. Patterson. He was
never heard from again, but how Joe Smith got possession of the “manuscript found” remains a