“Ruins Recently Discovered in Yucatan Mexico.” Times and Sea
“Ruins Recently Discovered in Yucatan Mexico.” Times and Seasons (Nauvoo, Illinois) 4,
no. 1 (15 November 1842): 15–16.
‘The ruins of Chi-Chen are situated upon a plain of many miles in circumference, nearly
in the centre of the province, about a hundred miles from the sea, and away from all water
communication. Those which are now in the most perfect state of preservation are remarkable
for their immense size and peculiarity of construction. They comprise temples, castles and
pyramids, and measure around their sides from two hundred to a thousand feet, Their altitudes
are from twenty to one hundred and twenty feet: a succession of terraces, constructed of small
pieces of stone imbedded in mortar, held together by a finished wall of large hewn stone,
symmetrically proportioned and skilfully laid in the same material, which is as hard and
apparently as durable as the stone itself. The sides of these walls invariably face the cardinal
points, and the principal part is always to the east. The exterior walls of the buildings are formed
of a fine concrete limestone, cut in parallelopipeds of nearly twelve inches in length and about
four inches in breadth; the interstices filled up with the same materials which are found in the
terraces. The height of the buildings erected upon these terraces never exceeds thirty feet. They
are limited to one long and narrow story, without windows. The rooms are confined to a double
range, those of the rear receiving no other light than by the door-ways. The roof of the interior is
an acute angle arch, formed by the edges of the square flat stone of which it is composed: and
being bevelled, terminates by a layer of the like material. This arch supports a level roof,
fiinished with a hard composition and surrounded with a balustrade forming an angular
projection, and at the top presenting a beautiful finish. The floors are covered in like manner with
the composition before mentioned, and show marks of war. The exterior walls rise
perpendicularly, generally to one half the height, where there are entablatures. Above these, and
in some instances beneath them, are compartments filled with hieroglyphics, figures and
sculptured work in bas-relief, over a diamond latice or groundwork, interspersed with chaste and
unique borders of the most skilful and elaborate workmanship.
‘The door ways are nearly a square of about seven feet, somewhat resembling the
Egyptian style in their proportions. The sides consist of large pieces of hewn stone. In some
instances the lintels are composed of the same, with hieroglyphics and lines carved upon them.
Stone rings and holes at the sides of the door-ways render it evident that doors once swung upon
them. Zuportiwood was used for lintels and thwartbeams, some of which are still in good
preservation, with lines of carving upon their surfaces. The walls show no marks of plaster; the
inner surface however has a coat of stucco, [15] upon which colors are laid in fresco, of which
sky-blue and light green are the most prominent. Figures of Indian characters can also be faintly
traced upon the walls. Columns, capitals and plinths, with many other evidences of large and
splendid edifices, are found scattered over the immense plain. Portions of two pillars now remain
at the eastern end of an edifice which occupies a space of ground nearly as large as that of
Trinity Church-yard. Speculation upon the origin of these ruins I leave to others. The subject is
one that should excite the deepest interest in the minds of Americans. It is as yet wrapped in
profound mystery, which it will doubtless require many years of laborious research to unfold.’