[Reply to New York Evangelist.] Times and Seasons (Nauvoo, I
[Reply to New York Evangelist.] Times and Seasons (Nauvoo, Illinois) 3, no. 21 (1
September 1842): 905–6.
From the N. Y. Evangelist, July 21, 1842.
MORMONISM AND THE MORMONS: A historical view of the rise and progress of the Latter
Day Saints. By Daniel P. Kidder. New York; G. Lane & P. P. Sandford, 200
Mulberry st. 1842.
This is a circumstantial and full account of the men, the books, the doctrines and
doings, of this extraordinary sect, commencing with their origin, and tracing them to the
present time. When we reflect upon the considerable number o which they have already
increased, and the skill of its preachers, in getting hold of ignorant and excitable minds,
the delusion, otherwise too foolish to waste thought upon, becomes worth examining and
exposing. This is ably and efficiently done in the volume before us. This, with the similar
work of Prof. Turner, will set the ridiculous pretensions of the sect in a light too glaringly
absurd to leave it much power.
The truth of Solomon is verified in this generation: “to the making of books there
is no [905] end,”—and we may add, to scattering falsehood there is no bounds. There is,
however, a light in which we shall review the above notice, not so much on the score of
book making as upon the sectarian practice of resisting the truth.—Twelve years
experience has already given us an assurance that the Lord is with us, and when we read
such thrusts as the one before us, from the Evangelist, or the more subtle stab of its
cotemporary, Daniel P. Kidder, or less noted cut of Prof. Turner; or the canine-like but
powerless bite of Mormonism unveiled, by E. D. Howe; or that unchristian but harmless
assault of Leroy D. Sunderland—and several other kindred spirits to Simon Magus,
Demetrius, and Alexander the coppersmith, it shows us that we are blessed when all men
speak evil of us falsely for Christ’s sake.
From 1830, when the Rochester Observer introduced the book of Mormon to the
world as “blasphemy,” to the “light too glaringly absurd to leave it (Mormonism) much
further power,” the public has been sickened with fulsome, jejune, ex parte, and abusive
accounts of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints—while the work, according to
its own predictions in the book of Mormon, has commenced among all nations. The Jews,
too, are gathering to Jerusalem in accordance with the prophecies of that book: and that
hour seems approachiug when every man’s hand will be raised against his neighbour,
because the love of man waxes cold. We look in vain for fairness or truth, from the
popular circles of this generation: We have never been met in argument, or
representation, with bible truth, sober sense and candid reason: for upon such a solid
basis our cause, as it has done, like some mighty vessel upon the billowy ocean, outrides
the storm and spreads her white canvass to the breeze, that “comes from him who holds
the winds in his fists,” and will waft her safely into that port, where hope, faith, and
charity welcome the pure in heart.
It is a fact worthy of notoriety, though everlastingly deplorable, that the popular
dominant portions of men, in every age of tge world have rejected the truth of God; and
then, justly met his vengeance! So it was with the “men of renown,” who opposed Noah
before the flood, which swept them away. So it was with the inhabitants of Sodom and
Gomorrah, who opposed Abraham and Lot, and were consumed by fire and brimstone; so
it was with the Egyptians who opposed Moses and the children of Israel, the Red Sea
swallowed them up: So it was with the inhabitants of Canaan who opposed Joshua, the
sword and the hailstones from heaven, destroyed them. So it was with the Assyrians who
opposed Israel in the days of Hezekiah, the angel of the Lord smote 185,000. So it was
with the Jews who opposed Jesus Christ, destruction came upon them and they were
destroyed, scattered and driven among all nations as outcasts: And we now bear this
testimony, that the popular Gentile nations who in this age reject the revelations of God,
and fulness of the gospel, as made known in the Book of Mormon,—in like manner will
work out their own destruction.
We say to all men, read what you please, but if you wish the truth and the fulness
of the gospel, read the book of Mormon, and take the advice of Gamaliel to the Jews:
And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel
or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow
it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.