Page, John E. “To ‘A Disciple.’” Morning Chronicle (Pittsbur
Page, John E. “To ‘A Disciple.’” Morning Chronicle (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) (19 July
For the Chronicle.
Perhaps you think the prejudiced part of the community will sustain you; that may be, but
those that regard consistency will not do it. If there should be thousands on thousands of cases of
a miraculous nature manifest of God, what would you want for the evidence of the fact? I
answer, you would want the testimony of those that did not know any thing about the matter, or
you would not accept it, on the plea that they were Mormons, or were about to become
Mormons, so being interested in their own testimony, they were not competent witnesses. Yet at
the same time no doubt you would have me and the world, swallow down the testimony of
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, James and Jude, all at once without choking, who are as
much self interested witnesses in their own case and in their own interest as we are, and your
little head or heart does not possess good sense enough to successfully dispute it. I suppose you
think the force of tradition relative to the scriptures being true, is enough to give you the
advantage of me in the case of the nature of valid testimony; with those who are of your own
ignorant stamp it may be, but not with the sensible and sound logician and philosopher.
What do you know about the truth of the bible, only by tradition of your fathers, the same
as the Mohommedans believe the korn to be true, because of the tradition of their fathers. Hush
your clamor and say nothing, and then you will not expose your ignorance and folly. You may
ask, how I know the scriptures to be correct? I answer, not for your sake but for the public good,
that I know the scriptures to be true, by the revelation of the Holy Ghost; and I know the Book of
Mormon to be true, by the same witness, it being the only criterion given in each, to know the
truth of either one.
You intimate that the Bible and the Book of Mormon are at issue, relative to the
testimony respecting the darkness that covered the earth at the crucifiction of our Lord, I can find
no contradiction when seen in the right light, but let you handle it with infidel hands, and it
would appear to be a contradiction, and if that should be the game you wish to find apparent
contradiction by making it appear so by your sophistry and false garbling I will say to you I am
ready for you. I have Mr. C. D. White’s book and Mr. Robert Taylor’s Diegesis before me, those
gentlemen are sceptics to the scriptures, in consequence of its contradicting itself in their view,
and if you wish to throw stones at your neighbors you had better fortify your own glass house
first for fear you might loose your Bible on the same principle. You would like to destroy the
Book of Mormon. Relative to the testimony of the Apostles concerning the darkness, it is simply
a historical fact of what they saw at Jerusalem, which no doubt was true, as they behold it yet.
They were ignorant of what was going on on this continent. The case of what the servants of the
same Lord said on this continent, concerning what happened here, was a statement of a historical
fact that happened here in America, the Antipode to Jerusalem, or nearly so. JOHN E. PAGE.