Page, John E. [Reply to A Disciple.] Morning Chronicle (Pitt
Page, John E. [Reply to A Disciple.] Morning Chronicle (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) (20
June 1842).
To “A Disciple:”—You asked me if the quotations you made from the Book of Mormon
and Book of Covenants were correct? This is to say relative to the pages where they occur,
except the last, which ought to read Book of Covenants, they are correct. But as regards the
sentences quoted, there is as much justice done them in detaching them from their connection, as
the following would be, and no more.
My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou.—Prov. i. 10.
Judas departed, and went and hanged himself.—Math. xxvii. 5.
Go thou and do likewise.—Luke x. 37.
Let him that stole steal.—Eph. iv. 28.
Men stealers.—1 Tim. i. 10.
To the respected reader: you will readily see by referring to the above quotations from the
Scriptures, that they are detached from their connection, so that the true meaning is not
conveyed; this is given as an example, to show the community that the Scriptures can be
wickedly perverted, as our Books have been, and are, by “A Disciple.” A question to the
candid:—Is it wicked or not to pervert sentences to suppress the truth? What is your real name,
Mr. “Disciple?” Be a man, do—if you are but a small one!
The difference of the circumstances of “A Disciple” is this: The Scriptures are of
universal extent, having had the advantages of centuries, while the Book of Mormon and the
Book of Doctrine and Covenants have had only 12 years. When the Scriptures are perverted it
can be detected by the reader,—when our Books are perverted, it must stand so till the people
can obtain copies of them. JOHN E. PAGE.
Elder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly called Mormons.