“Extract.” Times and Seasons (Nauvoo, Illinois) 3, no. 6 (15
“Extract.” Times and Seasons (Nauvoo, Illinois) 3, no. 6 (15 January 1842): 657–59.
From C. Thompson’s Proclamation and Warning.
O ye inhabitants of America, be it known unto you, that the land on which you dwell was
given by the promise of God unto Joseph the son of Jacob, for an everlasting possession; and it
was blessed by Moses, the man of God, and confirmed upon Joseph and upon Ephraim the
crown, or top of the head of Joseph, for God’s good will towards them.
Also, be it known unto you, that Jesus Christ did appear in person to a remnant of Jacob,
who were of the tribe of Joseph,—the forefathers of the American Indians—and did give unto
them all this land for their inheritance. But this being a choice land above all other lands, or it
being more blessed of the Lord than any other land, God did decree and confirmed it with an
oath, that no nation should ever possess this land, unless they would serve him and keep his
commandments. Therefore, be it known unto you, O ye Gehtiles who now possess this land, that
it was because of this decree of the great Jehovah that your fathers were permitted to cross the
great deep, and come to this land with power sufficient to dispossess the remnants of Joseph,
(who had polluted their inheritance by transgression,) and take possession of their land. Yea, it
was because of this decree that Christopher Columbus, a native of Genoa, an obscure individual,
was blessed with a largeness of mind which disdained to confine itself to the old beaten track,
and was inspired to contend for eight years with the learned ignorance of the courts and councils
of Europe, when (after many a fruitless struggle,) a small fleet was fitted out consisting of three
small vessels, and placed under his command, which sailed from spain in 1492, under the
patronage of Ferdinand and Isabella then on the united thrones of Castile and Arragon, which
terminated in the discovery of America—the land of Joseph—a land more blessed of the Lord
than any other land “for the precious things of Heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that
coucheth beneath, and for the precious fruits brought forth by the Sun, and for the precious
things put forth by the Moon, and for the chief things of the ancient mountains and for the
precious things of the lasting hills, and for the precious things of the earth and the fullness
And be it known unto you, O ye Gentiles, that this Columbus was inspired by the
Almighty Jehovah to make this discovery, that the poor and meek of the earth, and the
persecuted and oppressed of all nations might have a place to which they could fly and be secure
from the iron grasp of poverty, wretchedness and want, and from the cruel unrelenting hand of
the oppressor. And when in process of time the tyrants of the Eastern World began to extend
their oppressions unto this land, God raised up a Washington and inspired him to resist their
oppression and by the strong arm of military power to maintain and defend the rights of the
American colonies as free and independent States, and after the definitive treaty was finally
signed and the American colonies were acknowledged free and independent States by all the
European powers, and the Commissioners, who were the sages of this government, assembled
from the different States and met at Philadelphia on the memorable 10th of May 1787, for the
purpose of organizing the General Government, God inspired them to frame the American
Constitution so as thereby to establish the rights of man upon the broad basis of civil and
religious liberty, that here might forever be found an asylum for the oppressed of all nations
[657] to flee unto for refuge and protection from the power of their oppressors.
This was also done to prepare the way for the coming forth of the Book of Mormon—the
stick of Joseph—that he might lift it up (in connection with the Bible) as an ensign upon the
moantains, and set it as a sign among the people for the purpose of gathering and uniting the
whole house of Israel into one nation upon their own land, and also for the purpose of
reestablishing the kingdom of God upon the earth with all its officers, gifts and blessings.
Now be it known unto you, O ye inhabitants of these United States, that it is by the
blessings of God, put upon this land for God’s good will unto Joseph, thereby making it a choice
land above all other lands; and the decree of that same God, that whatsoever nation should
possess it should serve him or be swept off (or dispossessed,) that you and your fathers have
been permitted to dispossess the remnants of Joseph because of their transgressions; and to enjoy
(in a national capacity) all those great national blessings and privileges which has caused the
institutions of this nation to become the theme of philosophers and poets, and also to enjoy as
individual citizens all the great blessings of civil and religious liberty which are so highly prized
by every American citizen.
And be it known unto you further, that the Book of Mormon is true, and a divinely
inspired record, therefore the prophecies and promises contained in it will all be fulfilled. And it
has came forth in fulfilment of prophecy, therefore the time has come from the restoration of the
whole house of Israel to their own lands and former blessings. Now therefore, wo, wo, wo unto
you, O ye Gentiles who inhabit this land, except you speedily repent and obey the message of
eternal truth which God has sent for the salvation of his people—in bringing forth the Book of
Mormon and setting it as a sign unto this generation—yea, except ye repent and subscribe with
your hands unto the Lord, and sir-name yourselves Israel, and call yourselves after the name of
Jacob, you must be swept off, for behold your sins have reached unto heaven and God hath
remembered your iniquities—the cries of the red men whom ye and your fathers have
dispossessed and driven from their lands which God gave unto them and their fathers for an
everlasting inheritance, has ascended into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth, and he has come down
to deliver them—hear their plaintive cries—
“Great spirit of our fathers lend an ear,
“Pity the red man, to his cries give ear;
“Long hast thou scourged him with thy chastening sore,
“When will they vengeance cease, thy wrath be o’er;
“When will the white man’s dire ambition cease,
“And let our scattered remnants dwell in peace?
“Or shall we (driven to the western shore)
“Become extinct and fall to rise no more?
“Forbid, Great Spirit; make thy mercy known,
“Reveal thy truth, thy wandering captives own,
“Make bare thine arm of power for our release,
“And o’er the earth extend the reign of peace.”
And again; wo, wo, wo unto the nation of these United States, for your sins are increased
before God in that ye have suffered the persecutions and oppression from which your fathers fled
when they came to this land, to be practiced within your borders. Yea, he have suffered one of
the free and independent states of your boasted confederacy, to rise up and persecute and oppress
the people of the Lord, until many a free born son of America has bit the dust, and the soil of
Joseph’s ‘blessed’ land, has drank their blood, which has smoked to Heaven and calls for
vengeance upon the murderers, and for judgment upon this nation, who still acknowledges
affinity with them. Yea, and the cries of persecuted and oppressed American citizens who have
been driven from their possessions and robbed of their property, and thus reduced to beggary and
want, have been made to you for redress and protection in vain. The cries of helpless orphans
and sorrowing widows for redress of the accumulated wrongs which they have suffered from a
portion of this nation, and for protection from the murderers of their fathers and husbands, have
not been regarded by you; but they have entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth; their cries
have cried for judgment upon this nation, and it has appeared unto them, “for an account of all
their sufferings shall be required of the rulers of this nation and of every one who has assisted
their plunderers,” saith the Lord.
And again; wo, wo, wo unto all the inhabitants in all this land, (except they speedily
repent and be baptised in the name of the Lord for the remission of their sins, by those whom
God has specially commissioned by Revelation from Heaven, and sent to warn this generation
[658] of the judgments which await them; and to baptise them that believe that they may receive
the Holy Ghost, and signs follow them, for behold your sins were very great, they have reached
unto Heaven.—Yea, you are “lovers of your own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy; without natural affection, truce-breakers, false
accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good; traitors, heady, high-minded,
lovers of pleesure more than lovers of God.” And you “have a form of Godliness,” but “deny the
gifts and power of God.”—(See 2d Tim. 3d chapt. from 1st to 9th verse.)—Therefore you have
all gone out of the way, you have become corrupted. Because of pride and because of false
teachers and false doctrine, your churches have become corrupted; and your churches are lifted
up; because of pride you are puffed up. You rob the poor because of your fine sanctuaries; you
rob the poor because of your fine clothing, and you persecute the meek and the poor in heart,
because in your pride you are puffed up. You wear stiff necks and high heads; yea, and because
of pride and wickedness, and abominations and whoredoms you have all gone astray, save it be a
few, who are the humble followers of Christ; nevertheless, they are led, that in many instances
they do err, because they are taught be the precepts of men. O ye wise and learned, and rich, who
are puffed up in the pride of your hearts, and all you who preach false doctrines and all who
commit whoredoms, and pervert the right way of the Lord; wo, wo, wo unto you, saith the Lord
God Almighty, for you shall be thrust down to hell. Wo unto you who turn aside the just for a
thing of naught, and revile against that which is good and say that it is of no worth; for the day
has come that the Lord God will speedily visit you with his great and sore judgments unto your
utter distruction.—For except ye speedily repent of all your wickedness and abominations, and
believe in and obey the words of Jesus Christ contained in the Book of Mormon, (it shall be done
even as Moses said,) you shall be cut off from among the people who are of the covenant, for the
remnant of Jacob whom ye and your fathers have dispossessed of their land shall be among you;
yea, in the midst of you, as a lion among the beasts of the forest, and as a young lion among the
flocks of sheep, who if he go through both treadeth down, and teareth in pieces and none can
deliver.—Yea, their hand will be lifted up upon their adversaries and all their enemies will be cut
off. (See Micah 5th chapt. from the 7th to the 10th verse.)
Now therefore, hear the word of the Lord by the mouth of Joseph Smith, his Prophet,
given and written on the 23d day of July 1837,—“Verily, verily I say unto you, darkness
covereth the earth and gross darkness the minds of the people, and all flesh has become corrupt
before my face. Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth. A day of
wrath—a day of burning—a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning and of lamentation; and
as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth said the Lord. And upon my house
shall it begin; and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord.”
Now therefore, hear and take warning! for as a day of wrath and of burning, and of
desolation, of weeping, of mourning and of lamentation did come as a whirlwind, (that is,
suddenly, when they were not expecting it) upon the Lord’s house—the church of God —in the
state of Missouri in the fall of 1838, so will a day of wrath and of burning, and of desolation, of
weeping, of mourning and of lamentation come as a whirlwind upon all the inhabitants of this
land, and upon all the face of the earth in fulfilment of the above prediction, and they cannot
escape it, for the Lord hath spoken it. Now therefore pause and consider! for the day has come
that judgment has began at the house of God. And if it has begun with us, what will the end be of
these who obey not the Gospel of God! I answer, they will be utterly destroyed, for it is the hour
of God’s judgment; and the generation in which the Lord will come with ten thousand of his
saints to execute judgment upon all; as Enoch prophecied. (See Jude 14th and 15th verses.) And
to take vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel.