Snow, E. and Winchester, Benjamin. “An Address to the Citize
Snow, E. and Winchester, Benjamin. “An Address to the Citizens of Salem (Mass.)
And Vicinity.” Times and Seasons (Nauvoo, Illinois) 2, no. 24 (1 October 1841): 574–
Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Respected Citizens,—
The object of our visit to your city is not to subvert any moral or truly Christian
principle, or to promulgate any doctrine other than that which was advocated by
Patriarchs, Prophets, Christ and the Apostles; which doctrine or gospel, we believe is the
same invariable plan of salvation that it ever was, and that it ought to be taught,
administered and obeyed in the present age, precisely as it was in the primitive or golden
period of Christianity.
We believe the liberty of conscience to be a pearl of great value, and sacred to
every son and daughter of Columbia, and though we differ in some points of doctrine
from other sects in Christendom, yet like the veteran patriots who fought for the liberty of
our country, we believe the right of conscience as far as religious faith is concerned,
should in no case be suppressed; but that every man should worship God according to his
own views without molestation.
We certainly opine that we should retract from our duty, if we should descend
from the dignity which characterizes every gentleman, and stoop so low as to use the vile
weapon of abuse, slander, epithets, and persecution, which so much degrade the human
species, to stop the progress of any doctrine, however absurd it may be. Scripture, reason,
and kind treatment, should be the only weapons used. We consider that every man ought
to be treated with that respect which he, by his conduct and bearing merits, no matter how
much his religious faith differs from his neighbors, or whether it is popular or unpopular:
and should we instead of combating error with truth, and exposing incorrect principles
with sound argument, resort to a crusade of slander, and ephemeral falsehoods, to traduce
the characters of the propagators of such principles, we should only exhibit our own
imbecility to every honorable man, and evince a want of confidence in our own religious
system or the doctrine we endeavor to support.
We believe the religion of heaven should in no case be screened from a [574]
candid and scriptural investigation. The scriptures, like the great ruler of the day, shed
forth their rays of light to direct the footsteps of the traveller to eternity, and to enable
him to shun the dark and winding ways of error and superstition until the day-star arise in
his heart. They should be the test by which all religious matters should be tried, and the
great regulator of our faith.
Rumor with her ten thousand poisonous tongues, though ever busy, should never
be a criterian by which we should justify or condemn any man or set of men. The Jews
condemned Christ and his apostles from evil reports, and came to a conclusion that they
were the worst of deceivers: and why did they come to such a conclusion? because they
were bigots and refused to hear but one side of the question. In this respect we as a
people have reason to complain of our cotemporaries. Not that we think prejudice against
us under present circumstances, is easily to be avoided; neither was it in the days of
Christ, and his apostles: for there were more men in number to testify against them, than
there was for them; but as they were judged rashly, so have we been; and the result has
been that we have suffered much from the barbarous hand of persecution. No sooner had
a few men, whose pecuniary means were small, (but who previously bore the character of
respectable citizens) bore testimony of the truths we have embraced, than the people
began to rage, and the cry of “delusion,” “fanaticism,” “false prophets,” and
“Mormonism,” was heard from one end of our country to the other, and many have
joined in the uproar who have scarcely heard the first sylable on the part of the
defensive.—Editors have paraded before the public all kinds of tales and vulgar reports
that men in their imaginations could invent concerning us, (a society of whose real
principles most of them know nothing of, but from hearsay,) to decoy the public mind
from the field of candid investigation, and like the Ephesians, to raise a tremendous
uproar, and thus drown the voice of the innocent,—the voice of defence,—the voice of
TRUTH!—this being the most effectual way to impede the progress of the work; but
scripture and common sense are set aside as though they were useless. We court
investigation; but we will never descend to traduce character in order to oppose doctrine;
neither will we condemn from the hearing of one side of the question only: “A fool
judgeth a matter before he heareth it.”—SOLOMON. “Doth our law judge a man before it
heareth him.”—NICODEMUS
It is reported that Joseph Smith, who was the first in reformation or the
commencement of this work which we have espoused, is of notorious bad character. To
this we reply, that his moral character before he experienced religion was equally good
with any other respectable citizen of the state of New York; since that time, if reports are
to be credited, (which by the by we avowedly denounce as falsehoods,) he has become a
very bad man. The Apostle Paul sustained a good character among the Jews, till he
became a christian, then let his accusers tell the story, he became one of the worst men
that was ever on the earth;—so notoriously bad that they brought an accusation against
him for sedition or treason.
When we consider that religionists and non-professors anciently spoke all manner
of evil falsely against Christ and the apostles, we are not astonished that editors, priests,
and people, should publish all manner of evil falsely against Mr. Smith, and others of the
society, seeing that they have adopted the same faith, contended for the same spiritual
blessings, and practiced the ordinances that primitive saints did.
It has been stated in public journals that we hold all things in common, or that we
have a community of goods, also of wives. These charges we positively deny: for we
hold to no such things nor never did; neither do those who become members of the
society give up their property to the leading men of it. We raise money by subscription
for the purpose of erecting public places for worship, and the support of the poor. The
rules of the church forbid any thing like unvirtuous conduct, and they are rigorously
enforced, when there is any occasion whatever for it. It has been said, that the whole
society are a set of seditious persons, not willing to conform to the laws of the country.
This is also false, for we highly esteem the laws of our country, and we chalenge the
world to prove by affidavit, or by other creditable testimony, that the society as a body,
have ever been, for the first time, insubor- [575] dinate. There have been unruly
members, but for the want of penitence they were excluded from the church. The same
may be said of all the Orthodox societies.
It has also been stated as a fact, that we have unlawfully taken possession of a
large tract of land in Iowa, and claimed a title direct from heaven. This is equally false
with the other charges before mentioned; for it is but a short time since. Dr. I. Galland,
who sold most of the above mentioned land to individuals of the society, published an
article in one of the Philadelphia papers, contradicting the report, stating that he had in
his possession the obligations of the purchasers, which he could show, and Mr. Snow
hereby states that he wrote most of the deeds for said land, in June, 1839. Indeed, such
reports are only got up to excite prejudice and indignation against us.
Some man who was somewhat fruitful in imagination, has written a letter to some
New England editor, stating that the Mormrns, so called, were making preparations to
make war with their neighbors, &c. Now this is the foolish imagination of some
anonymous letter writer, who did not really know the difference between a meetinghouse
and a fort. Some of the society are obliged to do military service, and all the
military operations, or organizations, that we know of in Illinois, where the leading men
of the society reside, are done by the authority and according to the laws of the State. If
this is a preparation for war, then all the State of Illinois are preparing for war.
Another scurrilous tale has been paraded before the pablic, saying that we discard
the sacred Scriptures, viz: the Old and New Testaments. Such a report is awfully absurd.
Indeed, we esteem them as highly as any other men, so much so, that we consider the
New Testament supersedes the necessity of all creeds, liturgies, and books of divinity that
men ever have or can invent.
Some pretend to say, that we preach another gospel, This is a misrepresentation,
for we believe that no other gospel but that which Paul preached, is the power of God
unto salvation, who says: “Though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel
unto you, than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed.”
Again, some of our opponents have the audacity to assert that the position we take
encourages immorality. This is also a wanton implication without the least shadow of
truth. Hear our lectures, and read our books, and then judge.
We might seperately speak of several other tales that are afloat, and occasionally
drift into the mouths of the retailers of slander, which are ridiculous and absurd, such as
the new-bible story, money diging story, walking on the water story, the Spaulding
romance story, the murder of Martin Harris by Joseph Smith, who by the by, is still living
and a member of the society, and knew nothing of his being murdered till he read the
account of it in the newspapers, which came so well authenticated that we never have
heard of his having any disposisition to controvert it!! But we think that we have dwelt
sufficiently long on evil reports: for should we examine each one distinctly, and refute it
by a plain statement of facts, our enemies would coin new ones; for no sooner are they
detected in one, than they put another in circulation. We now turn from the wickedness of
men, to make mention of the righteousness of the Great God, and our faith in his