Murdock, James. “Origin and Present Condition of the Mormons
Murdock, James. “Origin and Present Condition of the Mormons.” Christian
Watchman (Boston) (27 August 1841).
Origin and Present Condition of the Mormons.
The statements contained in the following article were given to Rev. Dr.
Murdock, of New Haven, Ct. by a minister of the Mormons, as they were pursuing their
way as fellow-passengers on board a steamboat on the Ohio river; they will be of interest
to those accustomed to study the obliquities and follies of the human mind.—Ch.
Joseph Smith, now 35 years of age, is the eldest of five brothers, all born at
Norwich, in the State of Vermont. The family originated in the south part of New
England, but my informant could not tell precisely where. In the year 1816 or 1817, the
whole family removed to the State of New York, and lived sometimes in Palmyra, and
sometimes in the adjacent town of Manchester. They were in rather low circumstances,
and followed farming. About the year 1823, there was a revival of religion in that region,
and Joseph was one of several hopeful converts. The others were joining, some one
church, and some another in that vicinity, but Joseph hesitated between the different
denominations. While his mind was perplexed with this subject, he prayed for divine
direction; and afterwards was awaked one night by an extraordinary vision. The glory of
the Lord filled the chamber with a dazzling light, and a glorious angel appeared to him,
conversed with him, and told him that he was a chosen vessel unto the Lord, to make
known true religion. The next day he went into the field; but he was unable to work—his
mind being oppressed by the remembrance of the vision. He returned to the house, and
soon after sent for his father and brothers from the field; and then, in the presence of the
family—my informant one of them—he related all that had occurred. They were
astounded, but not altogether incredulous. After this, he had other similar visions, in one
of which the existence of certain metallic plates was revealed to him, and their location
described—about three miles off, in a pasture ground. The next day he went to the spot,
and by digging discovered the plates in a sort of a rude stone box. They were eight or ten
inches long, less in width, about the thickness of panes of glass; and together, made a pile
about five or six inches high. They were in a good state of preservation—had the
appearance of gold, and bore inscriptions in strange characters on both sides. He brought
them home, but was unable to read them. He afterwards made a facsimile of some parts
of the inscription, and sent it to Professor Anthon of New York city. The Professor
pronounced the characters to be ancient Hebrew, corrupted; and the language to be
degenerate Hebrew, with a mixture of Egyptian. He could decypher only one entire word.
After this, Joseph Smith was supernaturally assisted to read and to understand the
inscription; and he was directed to translate a great part of it. The pages which he was not
to translate were found to be sealed together, so that he did not even read them and learn
their contents. With an assistant to correct his English, he translated so much of the
inscription as now makes the book of Mormon. He kept the plates a long time in his
chamber, and after translating from them, he repeatedly showed them to his parents and
to other friends. But my informant said he had never seen them. At length he was directed
by a vision to bury the plates again in the same manner—which he accordingly did.
The book of MORMON is Mr. Smith’s professed translation of the inscription on
the plates; and it bears the name of MORMON, because a Jewish Christian in the fourth
century, bearing the name of Mormon, is the alleged author of the inscription. The book
is historical. It gives account of a company of Jewish Christians of the tribe of Joseph,
who left Judea by Divine direction, a little before the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus,
under the guidance of Lehi, their priest and prophet. This little band, after wandering long
and far, came at last to America, and planted themselves in the western part of the present
State of New York. So long as their christian characters remained unsullied, they were
prosperous; but when their piety degenerated, they became split into parties, were
assailed by their heathen neighbors, conquered, and either exterminated or enslaved, and
thus ceased to be a christian people. Of these divine judgments upon them they were
forewarned by their prophets, but without effect. Before their overthrow, in the fourth
century, Mormon, their priest and prophet, was directed to write their history, to inscribe
it on plates, and to bury those plates in the place where, in 1827, a revelation guided
Joseph Smith to search for them and to find them.
Mr. Smith, with no great difficulty, persuaded his parents, his four brothers, and a
few others, to acknowledge his prophetic character, and to embrace his views; but from
the mass of people he met with ridicule and opposition. At the end of three or four years,
he could number only a hundred followers. Afterwards he was more successful; and
now—A.D. 1841—he has perhaps, 15,000 adherents. A large body of them reside at
Nauvoo, in the State of Illinois, where Mr. Smith himself lives and has fixed the centre
and capital of the sect. The rest are scattered over the United States and Europe. Three
heralds of the sect are now laboring in England, Scotland, and Ireland, where they meet
with much success. About one hundred English Mormons lately arrived at Nauvoo.
The sect do not throw all their property into a common stock, but each man enjoys
the fruits of his own industry. For public objects taxes are assessed. The general rule is a
tenth of each man’s income.
In their religious doctrines or creed, the Mormons agree perfectly with the
Campbellites, except in two particulars. First—They regard [second column] the book of
Mormon as a true history, and an inspired work. It is not in their view a new Bible, or a
book which is to introduce a new dispensation, and to supersede the use of the Scriptures
of the Old and New Testaments. It is only another inspired volume, having for its chief
aim to record the history of those Jewish Christians who wandered to America and
became lost in the fourth century. Yet being written at an early period of the Church, and
by an inspired man, it throws additional light upon the Bible, and upon primitive
Christianity, which last it is the sole aim of the Mormon preachers to restore. Hence they
hold the Bible in profound reverence: from it they ordinarily take their texts for sermons;
and its true meaning they profess to unfold. Yet the book of Mormon, they believe, sheds
new light on some subjects which are not fully explained in the Bible; for example, the
mode of baptism is not very clearly stated in the New Testament: but the book of
Mormon shows that it should always by immersion.
Secondly—From the Campbellites—the Mormons differ by believing that all real
Christians receive the Holy Ghost, with all those spiritual gifts which are mentioned in
the New Testament. They likewise believe, that inspired prophets have appeared in the
Church quite down to modern times: that Joseph Smith is such a prophet: that he has
divine revelations from time to time, by which he is guided in this revival of pure
primitive Christianity.
Such, for substance, were the statements of the Rev. William Smith. I offer no
comments upon the alleged facts; but merely say, that I have aimed to report those facts
truly, and without any coloring. JAMES MURDOCK.
New Haven, June 19, 1841.