“Extraordinary Imposition of the ‘Latter Day Saints’—Mormoni
“Extraordinary Imposition of the ‘Latter Day Saints’—Mormonism—Matter for
the Consideration of every good citizen—Important Facts—All should feel that they
have a direct interest in them. From the Saturday Courier.” Western Recorder
(Zanesville, Ohio) (21 July 1841).
From the Saturday Courier.
Extraordinary Imposition of the “Latter Day Saints”–Mormonism –Matter for the
consideration of every good citizen–Important Facts–All should feel that they have a
direct interest in them.
The miserable delusion still exists. Its promulgator finds it an easy mode of
swindling, and so long as there are fools to be fleeced, there will always be knaves to
perform the operation. Of this knavish propensity, there are some evidence which would
be highly amusing, if they were not so impious a character. Smith’s aim was to establish,
in the outset, some sort of claim to inspiration, in order to enable himself and such
ringleaders as might possess sufficient cunning to become his associates, to succeed in a
regularly organized system of plunder.—This he accomplished by an artfully devised
fable, in which, as our readers are aware, he pretends to have become the depository of
certain gold plates, found in some secluded spot, and upon which were engraved the
portions of divine revelation which he was commissioned to promulgate. This is the
ground work of the imposition. The boldness of the trick took, in spite of its blasphemous
nature, with two sorts of persons: the cunning sharper on the one part, who seized the
temptation of enriching himself on the promised spoils, caring nothing for the grossness
of the fraud, if it but fill his pocket; and on the other, the unsuspecting, weak-minded and
credulous dupes, whose love of the marvellous renders him always an easy prey.
Under pretence of raising money for building a temple, and for other pious
purposes, gangs of itinerant vagabonds were sent prowling over the country to beg alms
and to steal. Wherever opportunity offers, they have not hesitated to rob, plunder and
steal, mostly under some sanctimonious pretence—though we have ourselves not the
slightest doubt whatever, that most, if not the ringleaders, steal upon every occasion that
offers with as much recklessness as would any convict in our state prisons. We state
unequivocally our firm belief that this is their true character, because none other than
precisely such men would ever be willing to unite in a piece at villainy like Mormonism,
of the fraudulent character of which they must be perfectly satisfied, and because we
have the sanction of Joe Smith himself, the head of the gang, who having quarrelled with
some of his followers about dividing the spoils, finally published a portion of his band as
villains of the blackest stamp. Two of these, Cowdery and Whitmer, aided in the outset to
establish Smith’s deception, by perjuring themselves to the truth of the book of Mormon,
testifying that they had seen the plates, and heard God’s voice declare that they had been
translated by His power!!! These very same perjured witnesses to such a piece of
blasphemy, Joe Smith publishes as “guilty of perjury, counterfeiting, gambling, lying,
stealing, and crimes of the blackest dye.” This is the character given them by their leader
himself, and no one doubts for a moment that these vagabonds, so justly denounced
might turn round, and with the same truth apply the same description of character to
Smith himself, and not only to Smith, but to the most of the leaders.
It is not surprising, therefore, that such characters, acting under the garb of
religion, should succeed in swindling the community out of money. In the language of a
gentleman of Ohio, who was on the spot, and an eye-witness of the scenes which he so
truly describes:—
He writes in his letter that “they scoured the branches in the east for money to
enable them to build, and the people gave freely, as they supposed for that purpose, for
they supposed they were to be one in the church of Christ, for so Smith had told them by
his revelation, and that they must consecrate all for the poor in Zion, & thus many did
give until they finished the temple, and in the meantime the building committee built
each of them a house, Sidney Rigdon and Joseph Smith, Jr. By this time the leaders of the
church, Smith, Rigdon, Carter and Caboon, &c., I may say all the heads of the church,
got lifted up in pride, and they imagined that God was about to make them rich, and that
they were to suck the milk of the Gentiles, as they call those who do not belong to the
church, or do not go hand and hand with them, and then they would make the whole
church rich. They have a great desire for riches, and to obtain them without earning them;
and about this time they said that God had told them, Sidney and Joseph, that they had
suffered enough and that they should be rich; and they informed me that God told them to
buy goods, and so they did, as they said, to some thirty thousand dollars on a credit of six
months, at Cleveland and Buffalo. In the spring of 1836, this firm was, I believe, Smith,
Rigdon & Co., (it included the heads of the church.) In the fall, they formed other
companies of their brethren and sent to New York as agents for them, Hiram Smith and
O. Cowdery, (they being the company,) and they purchased some sixty or seventy
thousand dollars worth, all for the church, and most of them not worth a penny, and no
financiers. At this time the first debt became due, but they had nothing to pay it with, for
they had sold to their poor brethren, who were strutting about the streets in the finest of
broadcloth, imagining themselves rich, but could pay nothing, and poverty is the mother
of invention. They then fixed upon a plan to pay the debt—that was, to have a bank of
their own, as none of the then existing banks would loan to them what they wanted, and
the [column 2] most refused them entirely; so they sent to Philadelphia and got the plates
made for the Safety Society Bank, and got a large quantity of bills ready for filling and
signing, and in the meantime, Smith and others collected what specie they could. The
paper came about the first of January, 1837, which they immediately began to issue, and
to no small amount; but their creditors refused to take it. Then Smith invented another
plan—that was to exchange their notes for other notes than would pay their debts, and for
that purpose he sent the Elders out with it to exchange, and not only the elders, but gave
them one half to exchange it, as I am informed by those that peddled for him—and thus
Smith was instrumental in sending the worthless stuff abroad, and it soon come in again,
and as I may say, there was nothing to redeem it with, as Smith had used the greater part
of their precious metals; and the inhabitants holding their bills came to inquire into the
Safety Society precious metals, and the way that Smith contrived to deceive them was
this: he had some one or two hundred boxes made, and gathered all the lead and shot that
the village had, of that part of it that he controlled, and filled the boxes with lead, shot,
&c., and marked them one thousand dollars each—then, when they went to examine the
vault he had one box thousand dollars each—then, when they went to examine the vault
he had one box on a table partly filled for them to see, and when they proceeded to the
vault, Smith told them that the church had two hundred thousand dollars in specie, and he
opened one box and they saw that it was silver, and they raised up a number, and Smith
told them that they contained specie, and they were seemingly satisfied and went away
for a few days, until the elders were packed off in every direction to pass their paper
money off. Among the elders were Brigham Young who went east, with forty thousand
dollars; John F. Boynton, with some twenty thousand dollars; Luke Johnson, south and
east, with an unknown quantity: and thus they continued to pass and sell the worthless
stuff, until they sold it at twelve and a half cents on the dollar, and so eager to put off at
that, that they could not attend meeting on the Sabbath—and they signed enough at that
price to buy one section of land in Illinois.
(To be concluded in our next.)