“Reply To Mr. J. B. Rollo’s ‘Mormonism Exposed.’” Latter-day
“Reply To Mr. J. B. Rollo’s ‘Mormonism Exposed.’” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star (Manchester, England) 2, no. 3 (July 1841): 43–48. REPLY TO MR. J. B. ROLLO’S “MORMONISM EXPOSED.” ————— Mr. Rollo gives a statement of our doctrine on his first page, in a very correct and intelligent manner, proving it from the Scriptures in a way that no lover of the Bible can object to. He then gives three reasons for believing the system of the Latter-Day Saints to be another gospel. First, because a society in Edinburgh, in connection with Dr. Hamilton, hold the same principles, and accuse the Saints of borrowing these principles from them. Secondly, because, as the Galatians had added the law of Moses to the Gospel, and thus perverted it, so the Saints had added the law of J. Smith to the Gospel, and thus made it another; and, thirdly, he says, “While the Apostles promised an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and which fadeth not away, the Mormonites preach up a temporal and defilable inheritance, which shall soon pass away; and that only to the rich they teach that it is promised as a gift of God, yet must be purchased with money! consequently the poor can have [43] no inheritance: thus the gospel they preach varies in many respects from that preached by Paul.”