“Mormonism (from the Scotsman).” The Christian Reformer; or,
“Mormonism (from the Scotsman).” The Christian Reformer; or, Unitarian Magazine and
Review 8 (June 1841): 386.
Mormonism (from the Scotsman).—
Many of our readers will be aware that a set of impostors, calling themselves
Mormonites, have for several months back been busy in disseminating their tenets in Edinburgh,
and attempting to entice the ignorant and unwary to join their ranks. The sect had its origin some
years ago in America, from whence a few adventurers have lately come, in order to circulate
their opinions in this country. One of these pretends to be an apostle, and declares that he has had
intercourse with angels. They also assert that by a particular revelation they became possessed of
a book called the Book of Mormon, of equal authority with the Bible, and that they have the
power of working miracles, and of speaking in unknown tongues, &c. The absurdity of these
pretensions should have rendered them harmless; but we understand that they have already
entrapped a considerable number of individuals. The book called the Book of Mormon was, we
understand, written by the late Rev. Solomon Spaulding, a retired clergyman, who resided in
New Salem, America. It is, in fact, nothing more than a religious romance, in the style and
phraseology of Scripture. On removing afterwards to Pittsburgh, the author shewed his MS. to a
Mr. Paterson, an editor of a newspaper in that place, who offered to print it, but Mr. Spaulding
refused to allow him. Mr. Paterson, however, had a person in his employment named Sidney
Rigdon, who had an opportunity to copy the MS., and became the leader of a sect who adopted
the book as a part of the sacred Scriptures. When the nostrums of this sect were promulgated in
New Salem, where the author had lived, and where his work was well known, the fraud was
exposed by the brother of the deceased, whose widow also signed a declaration stating these
facts, which was published in the newspapers, and a copy of which we have seen. The
adventurers we have now alluded to imagined, no doubt, that their distance from the scene of the
original imposture would screen them from detection; but we hope the facts here stated will
serve to put individuals on their guard.—(From the Scottish Pilot.)—On Tuesday evening, a Mr.
J. B. Rollo, who was till lately an elder among this deluded sect, exposed the folly and
imposition of the Mormonite system, before a large audience in Whitfield chapel. He described it
as altogether a money-making speculation by Pratt, who came over here from America as apostle
of the new faith. It seems, Mr. Pratt has decamped with more money and a great deal more good
clothes than when he made his appearance here. He purchased largely from Sutherland, the tailor
in Broughton (whose flight we recently related), and promised payment when they should both
reach Mount Zion on the Mississippi. From Mr. Rollo’s exposure, it would appear the infant sect
has had little peace from the pertinacity with which one case of delinquency after another on the
part of this American swindler has been discussed at their meetings. The speaker did not explain
how he had ever been led to give his adhesion to the ridiculous hoax he so wittily exposed. It is
surprising that there are still many who cling to it as if nothing had occurred to damage the
character of their leaders; but its adherents are the most doltish and illiterate of the community.