“From the Upper Mississippian. Letters About the West. Numbe
“From the Upper Mississippian. Letters About the West. Number Three. Nauvoo—
Mormon Religion.” Times and Seasons (Nauvoo, Illinois) 2, no. 8 (15 February
1841): 322–24.
From the Upper Mississippian.
Nauvoo—Mormon Religion
NAUVOO CITY. This place is in the north western part of Hancock county, Illinois, and
was formerly known by the name of Commerce, but has recently received a city charter
by the name of Nauvoo, the name given by the Mormons. The town is situated upon a
slightly inclined plain, or piece of ground, of from one to two miles in extent, projecting
westward into the Mississippi, somewhat in the shape of a man’s arm, half bent;
presenting a fine appearance for some miles above and below the town. Since the
Mormons, or “Latter Day Saints,” (as [322] they call themselves) were so wantonly
driven from their homes and estates in Missouri, by an armed mob, under the excited
authorities of that State, these persecuted people have settled in this town, and the
adjacent country upon both sides of the Mississippi—and added from 75 to 100
buildings, mostly neat and painted, spread over a large extent of ground, and covering the
plain and the bluffs in the rear.—These numerous new, bright looking buildings,
scattered about amongst the trees and shrubbery which abound here, present, in warm
weather, a delightful appearance. Under the shade of some beautiful shrubbery near the
river’s brink, seats are erected for the accommodation of the society, at their religious
meetings. The spot selected is favorable to a calm and serene temper, and a devotional
frame of mind.
Nauvoo is said to have a population of about 3000 inhabitants some 300
buildings, several small traders, Tavern keepers, Phisicians, and various kinds of
mechanics and laborers: and some water craft, among which is a small steam-boat called
Nauvoo. The landing, soil and timber about the town, are favorable to its future growth
but being at the head, instead of the foot of the Rapids, its location is not so advantageous
for trade as that of Warsaw or Keokuck, mentioned in my last letter. Besides this, there
being considerable low lands upon the Islands in its vicinity, their decomposing vegetable
matter is supposed to send forth delaterious exhaltations prejudicial to the health of the
town. However, Nauvoo has a fine country in its rear, and if to many drones and rogues
do not creep in among these generally quiet, industrious and economical people, we may
expect to see a very considerable city built up here—particularly as many of this sect in
Europe, are now known to be about removing to this country—and indeed some two
hundred have already arrived at Nauvoo, and the vicinity. Mr. Smith is reported to have
said that it is destined to be the largest city in the world! It is some 18 miles above
Warsaw, and 6 or 8 below Fort Madison.
RELIGION OF THE MORMONS. In the course of two land journeis between
Stephenson and Quincy, I stopped over night at Nauvoo, rode one day in company with a
Mormon preacher, and two days with one of the most respectable private members of the
society. I also saw, in Stephenson, the celebrated Joseph Smith, but had no opportunity to
converse with him respecting the peculiar tenets of their religion. Mr. Smith (commonly
called “Joe. Smith,”) is a stout, muscular, course looking man, of about 32 or 33 years of
age, and six feet high—and is said to be a man of good natural talents, but of inferior
education—and that, as a scholar and logician, Mr. Rigdon is much his superior. Dr.
Bennett, one of their preachers, and with whom I rode as above, appeared to be a man of
considerable reading and general intelligence—to possess a christian temper, and pretty
correct ideas of personal piety. He was courteous and gentlemanly in his deportment,
though somewhat selfish, exclussve and bigoted in notions about other sects and creeds. I,
however, derived considerable information, and consequent satisfaction from conversing
with him upon the subject of this strange religion. I may not be able in this brief and
hasty newspaper sketch, to do full and exact justice to their creed as represented by this
and the other gentleman, but I will aim to do so.
I understood from them as follows, vix:—That their society did not recognize
Mormon, as a Prophet or Teacher sent from God to the “Latter Day Saints”—that they
did not discard the Bible as used by other christian sects—that the book, commonly
called “the Mormon Bible,” was considered by them as an additional revelation from
heaven, made by God himself, to Joseph Smith, when 17 years of age, and under deep
and prayerful concern of mind about his spiritual condition—that it relates principally to
the history of the house of Ephraim and their descendants, which these people say was
lost, or omitted, in the compliation of the generally accredited christian Bible. That the
Almighty spoke orally, and disclosed to Smith, in a vision, where to find the long buried
“Brass Plates,” containing some unknown hieroglyphics, the further and hitherto
undiscovered history of [323] this branch of the Jewish nation—which history foretells,
as they say, the character, condition and duty, of the “Latter Day Saints,” or Mormons—
and the persecutions which they have endured in Missouri and elswhare, on account of
their religion. They hold that the Lord made a verbal, personal communication to Smith,
an uneducated and ignorant youth of 17, and instructed him to emyloy persons to
translate the history contained in these few strange characters, engraven upon these brass
plates, and that the Almighty stood by, and by a miraculous exercise of infinite power
and wisdom, told Smith the meaning of the letters and characters upon the plates, and
directed him to communicate it to the ignorant and uninspired translators, to be by them
penned down for publication. And also that at a certain stage of the proceeding, the
Almighty directed Smith to cease the work of translation, and again to bury the plates
until mankind should become more virtuous, and better qualified for the reception of a
further and complete revelation of the whole matter, at which time the Lord would again
appear upon earth, and direct Smith how to proceed upon this momentous subject!!!
The object and plan of these letters will not admit of pursuing this matter further,
or commenting upon the monstrous delusion that could take possession of so many
apparently sensible and intelligent people—or upon the success with which an
uneducated man, like Smith, has impressed belief in this extraordinary imposition, which
fact induces the belief that he is a man of very considerable talents. But I really believe
that these people, after all, are generally quite conscientious in this matter—are more to
be pitied than despised, and “more sinned against than sinning.”
When putting the preceding article in type we intended to have made some
corrections, but time will not admit in this number; we will make them in a future No. The
writer, no doubt, intended to give a fair statement, and in the main, did; but respecting our
faith, (on some points,) the book of Mormon, &c., he is widely from the mark.—ED.