Snow, Erastus Fairbanks. E. Snow’s Reply to the Self- Styled

Snow, Erastus Fairbanks. E. Snow’s Reply to the Self- Styled Philanthropist, of Chester County. Philadelphia?: s. n., 1840? E. SNOW’S REPLY TO THE SELF- STYLED PHILANTHROPIST, OF CHESTER COUNTY. Shall thy lies make men hold their peace and when though mockest shall no man make thee ashamed. Job. TO THE READER. EARLY in the Spring, a pamphlet was published, bearing no other signature than a “ Philanthropist of Chester Co,” said pamphlet was composed of little, or nothing else, than falsehoods, misrepresentations, foul insinuations, wholesale abuse and slander of the doctrines and characters of the Latter Day Saints, reproachfully called Mormons. Dr. S. Bennett of Philadelphia, soon replied to the “ Philanthropist,” exposing his falsehoods, and penetrating his sophistry, in a commendable manner; since which, little has been heard from the unknown writer, until late this fall. Dr. Bennett having left the country he has ventured to creep from his hiding place, and set up a hideous hissing no doubt with the intention of redeeming his character from the black catalogue of crimes and falsehoods, with which it is stained. In his answer to Mr. Bennett, which the writer has now before him, instead of sustaining himself in his former position, and defending himself against the attacks of Mr. B., he has had recourse to the same abuse and slander, and has swelled his enormous catalogue of falsehoods to an incredible degree: assertions for proof, and assumptions for arguments, as though his word was Omnipotent, and every body was bound to believe all he said, without knowing who said it, or on what authority it was spoken. Though he was boldly challenged, to cut a quill like a man, and produce his statements, over his signature, and to face in public those whom he so cowardly and meanly caluminiates, he is still ashamed, to come to the light, and publish his name, but is acting behind the serene, howling like the Indian, who cursed the king on the other side of the hill. He truly verifies the language of the prophet Isaiah: “ Ye have made a league with hell, and a covenant with death, under falsehoods have ye hid yourself, and made lies your refuge.” The author unaccustomed to write for the press, has reluctantly yielded to the entreaties of many friends, in condescending to thus publicly notice such a low, vulgar and contemptible production; or to bring into question a nameless author, as that of the above named pamphlet: for I remember the advice of Soloman: “ answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou be like him.” But being informed that he was a Methodist preacher, by the name of Caleb Jones, a would- be popular man, spreading his infamous pamphlets through the country; I thought of the sequel of the proverb: “ Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conciet.” And knowing, as I do, that it is through the priestly, pernicious influence of such men, that we have been mobbed from time to time, and innocent blood has been made to flow, to crimson the face of freedom’s soil. And having myself been a personal sufferer, and having seen such worthless preachers at the head and tail of lawless banditti. — Therefore, viewing this child of darkness, as pursuing the same course, and manifesting the same spirit with his brother preachers in Missouri, I have been induced by these considerations to write the following pages, which it is hoped will subserve the cause of truth, by answering all those traces that appear in the shape of arguments, and exposing some of the most enormous of his falsehoods. Though to notice all his evil insinuations would require a much larger work.