“Books!!!” Times and Seasons (Nauvoo, Illinois) 1, no. 9 (Ju
“Books!!!” Times and Seasons (Nauvoo, Illinois) 1, no. 9 (July 1840): 139–40.
The spread of truth for a few years past, has been so exceedingly rapid, that, amid the
conflicting winds of persecution, that has rolled with unexampled fury upon the heads of the
saints; it has been impossible to keep the public supplied with books: and, inasmuch as the
universal cry has been “Books,” “Books,” “we want Books,” &c. and none could be had: we
announce with pleasure, that effectual measures are now taking to accomplish the long desired
object of getting books once more into circulation. It will be seen in this sheet that the Book of
Mormon is now being Stereotyped and printed in Cincinnati, Ohio, and by the first of September,
there will be Books of Mormon to be had on the most reasonable terms possible. Therefore, as
the saints and the public in general, are acquainted with the fact that our means (money,) is very
limited, to accomplish a work of this magnitude, they will,(it is hoped) no doubt improve the
opportunity, and every man secure [139] to himself a book; for in so doing they will open an
effectual door for spreading before the world other Books, which are very much desired.
The authorities of the church here, having taken this subject into consideration, and
viewing the importance of Publishing a Hymn Book, and a more extensive quantity of the Books
of Mormon, and also the necessity of Publishing the new translation of the scriptures, which has
so long been desired by the Saints; have appointed, and authorized Samuel Bent and Geo. W.
Harris, as traveling agents, to make contracts and receive monies &c. for the accomplishment of
this glorious work. They are truly responsible men, men in whom we repose confidence; their
operations will be relied upon. We would advise our Patrons, and the saints in general to act the
liberal part in subscribing and paying in advance for these valuable works; they will prove to be
more than an equivalent to the lucrative, for they will benefit the soul, whereas riches will only
serve to corrode and canker it.
Question. If every friend to the cause of apostolic christianity, would subscribe and pay in
advance for the above mentioned books, (so small a sum that it would not be missed,) how long
would it be before there would be an abundance of means to accomplish the whole work? The
best way to answer this, is by example. . . .