“An Address: by Judge Higbee and Parley P. Pratt Ministers o
“An Address: by Judge Higbee and Parley P. Pratt Ministers of the Gospel, of the Church
of Jesus Christ of ‘Latter-day Saints,’ to the Citizens of Washington, and to the Public in
General.” Times and Seasons (Commerce, Illinois) 1, no. 5 (March 1840): 69.
. . . Having given this brief sketch of our faith and principles thus far, the inquiry may
arise whether we believe in any other writings or books besides the Bible? To which we reply in
the affirmative; for, like all other Christians, we believe in every true book within our
knowledge, whether on science, history, or religion. We have implicit confidence in the “Book of
Mormon,” not, however, as a new Bible to exclude the old, as some have falsely represented. We
consider the “Book of Mormon” as a historical and religious record, written in ancient times by a
branch of the house of Israel, who peopled America, and from whom the Indians are descended.
The Book of Mormon corroborates and confirms the truth of the Scriptures, by showing that the
same principles were revealed and enjoyed in a country and among a people far remote from the
scenes where the Jewish bible was written.
Suppose a traveller should find in China, in the East Indies, or in America, or New
Holland, an historical record, handed down for thousands of years, or deposited in their sacred
archives, or among their sepulchral ruins, or their monuments of antiquity—and in this record
should be found the principles of eternal truth, revealed to that nation, and agreeing with the
revelation and principles contained in the Jewish records. Or suppose, for instance, when the ten
tribes of Israel are discovered, preparatory to their return to Palestine, a record should be found
among them, giving their history from the time they were carried captive by Salmanezer, King of
Assyria, and this record should be interspersed with prophecies and doctrine, as revealed among
them since their captivity. Would [3] it be any thing incredible or injurious in its nature, or any
thing against the truths revealed in the Jewish records? Certainly not. So far from this, it would
be hailed by every lover of truth as a most interesting and important discovery. Its light would be
hailed as a new era in the history of the great events of modern times.
And similar in its nature is the Book of Mormon. It opens the events of ancient America.
It pours a flood of light upon the world on subjects before concealed—upon the history of a
nation whose remnants have long since dwindled to insignificance in midnight darkness, and
whose former greatness was lost in oblivion, or only known by the remains of cities, palaces,
temples, aqueducts, monuments, towers, fortifications, unintelligible inscriptions, sepulchers,
and bones. The slumber of ages has now been broken. The dark curtain of the past has been
rolled up. The veil of obscurity has been removed as it regards the world called new. The ancient
events of America now stand revealed in the broad light of history, as far back, at least, as the
first peopling of the continent after the flood. This discovery will yet be hailed among all nations
as among the most glorious events of the latter times, and as one of the principal means of
overwhelming the earth with knowledge. But why, then, is it so much opposed and neglected at
the present time? Why do prisoners groan in chains and martyrs bleed in its promulgation to the
Answer. Upon the same principle that a Messiah was crucified, a Stephen stoned, a James
slain, a Paul beheaded, a Peter crucified, a John banished, a Rogers burned, a Columbus
neglected, ridiculed, and envied, a Newton counted mad, and a Fulton laughed to scorn. In short,
it is because THEY KNOW NOT WHAT IT IS. . . .