Shrigley, J. “The Mormons.” Evangelical Magazine and Gospel
Shrigley, J. “The Mormons.” Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate (Utica, New York)
10, no. 23 (7 June 1839): 182.
For the Magazine and Advocate.
To Rev. S. P. LANDERS:—
Dear Brother—In the “Magazine and Advocate” for April 26th, is an article from your
pen, in which you introduce a notice of the Mormons, and their views in regard to a future
state.—You say, “they (the Mormons) believe that all mankind will eventually be made perfectly
happy, according to their capacities for bliss, in one of the three heavens.”
Will you please to inform me how you reconcile this remark with the following, which I
copy from the Mormon Bible—“Book of Maroni,” chap. viii. “And he that saith that little
children needeth baptism, denieth the mercies of Christ, and setteth at nought the atonement of
him and the power of his redemption. Wo unto such, for they are in danger of death, hell, and an
endless torment.”
I have no doubt that the gentleman from whose letter you made the extract, believed in
universal happiness. But does the “Mormon Bible’ teach that “all mankind will eventually be
made happy?”If so, what meaneth this quotation?
A word from your pen, touching this matter, will be gratefully received, and attentively
Your brother in Christ, J. SHRIGLEY.
Exeter, May 2d, 1839.