“The Mormon Bible.” Trumpet and Universalist Magazine (Bosto
“The Mormon Bible.” Trumpet and Universalist Magazine (Boston) 11, no. 48 (18
May 1839).
The Mormon Bible.—The origin of this work which it has puzzled many to
account for, evidently the production of a cultivated mind, yet found in the hands of
exceedingly ignorant and illiterate persons is at length explained. It was written in 1812,
for amusement, as a historical romance of the lost race, the remains of whose numerous
mounds and forts are found on the banks of the Ohio. The author was Rev. Solomon
Spaulding, a graduate of Dartmouth College, who resided at New Salem, Ohio; and on
the appearance of a Mormon preacher there, many of the friends of the deceased
clergyman, recollected passages which he had read to them during the time he was
engaged in composing it. On inquiry the original manuscript was found among his
papers. It also appeared that at one time he had some thoughts in relation to printing the
work, and that it remained at a printing office for a long time. Sidney Rigdon who figured
so largely in the history of the Mormons was at that time employed in this printing office,
and it was no doubt copied by him.