“ How a Mormon Preacher Tried to Walk on Water.” Livingston
“ How a Mormon Preacher Tried to Walk on Water.” Livingston Register ( Geneseo, New
York) 16, no. 784 ( 15 January 1839).
IN.”—Some time ago, in a town in western New York, where the Mormon delusion had made
numerous converts, the disciples were summoned to assemble in a wild place, circumjacent to a
pond, on the water of which the gifted elder announced that he should walk and preach. The
believers notified their doubting friends, and great things were anticipated. But it seems there
were a few wicked Lamanites, who secretly set themselves to make mischief. Choosing their
opportunity just before the apponted day of miracles, they ascertained by means of a raft, that the
pond to be traversed was extremely shallow; a thin sheet of water covering a common swamp
mire. This mire was found to be of a consistency nearly strong enough, except within a small
central space, to sustain the weight of a man. They soon discovered a line of plank laid in a
particular direction completely across the pond, sunk about four inches under the surface of the
water.—They were so fastened down and locked together, and so daubed with mud as to be quite
imperceptible from the neighboring declivities. They resolved on preventing the miracle by
sawing the concealed bridge in pieces, just where it crossed the deepest and most dangerous part
of the pond. This was done and every thing left apparently as they found it. The expected day
arrived, the congregation placed themselves in an amphitheatre on the surrounding slopes, and
the preacher appeared at the edge of the water. Presently he raised his stentorian voice, and as he
passed his invisible bridge with a step apparently unearthly, taught and warned the people. All
ears were open, and every eye strained from its socket with astonishment. But alas! just as the
miracle worker seemed to have wrought conviction of his divine power in the wondering hearts
of the multitude, he stepped upon one of the detached pieces of plank, sallied sideways, and
instantly plunged, floundering, and sinking in the watery mire. The mingling shrieks, screams
and shouts of the spectators, all in a rush of commotion, were appalling. The scene was
indescribable. Even those who had spoiled the miracle were filled with horror when they actually
saw the imposter finally disappear. They had not dreamed that their trick would cost him more
than the fright, discomfort and disgrace of being submersed and afterwards struggling ashore; all
along taking it for granted that the plank would enable him to swim, however it might
treacherously fail him to walk.—But the tale closes with the close of life, and the consequent
close of Mormonism in that vicinity. He sunk, and long before the confounded assembly were in
a condition to afford him relief, perished a victim to his imposture.—N. O. Sun.