Castigator. “For Paul Pry’s Weekly Bulletin [From Palmyra].”

Castigator. “For Paul Pry’s Weekly Bulletin [From Palmyra].” Paul Pry’s Weekly Bulletin (Rochester, New York) 1, no. 14 (8 August 1829): 1.
For Paul Pry’s Weekly Bulletin
Wanted to know, If the “Stone front”–ed merchant, had not better remain a little more silent, and not use the BIG words of “my store,” “my clerks,” & c. when the poor fool is not worth twenty dollars in creation? Wanted to know, If his brother does not carry rather too many flying colors for a person of his standing? Wanted to know, If T--- r does not feel rather too big for a boy of his cloth? Wanted to know, If he does not make rather too much noise in the streets, as well as in company, for a youngster? Wanted to know, If the “Twin Brothers” are not preparing for another break down? Wanted to know, If the Fire Warden intends to make his everlasting eternal fortune out of the Gold Bible? Wanted to know, If “Little Billy” does not spend too much time and money for his own good with the ladies? Wanted to know, If “Darkey Paramour” is not the wrong person to try to impeach in a court of justice, the character of a political enemy of fair standing in society? Wanted to know, If his character cannot be impeached in any court? Wanted to know, If the above WANTED TO KNOWS, will make any wry faces? CASTIGATOR