“History of Mormanism.” The Ohio Repository (Canton, Ohio) (
“History of Mormanism.” The Ohio Repository (Canton, Ohio) (1 September 1836).
Reprinted from New York Commercial Advertiser, circa August 1836.
By a Correspondent of the New York Commercial Advertiser.
It appears that Mormonism owes its origin to an individual named Solomon Spalding;
who wrote the historical part of the Book of Mormon, or, as it is sometimes called, the Mormon
Bible. But it was done more than twenty years ago, and without the least intention on the part of
the author, of framing a system of delusion for his fellow-men. This Solomon Spalding was a
native of Ashford, Connecticut, where he was distinguished at an early age, for his devotion to
study, and for the superiority of his success over that of his schoolmates. At a proper age, he
received an academic education, at Plainfield, and afterwards commenced the study of law at
Windham. But his mind becoming inclined to religious subjects, he abandoned the study of law,
and went to Dartmouth College, for the purpose of preparing himself for the ministry. After
receiving the degree of A.M., he was regularly ordained, and continued in the ministry for three
years; but for some reason not known, he abandoned the profession, and established himself as a
merchant at Cherry Valley, in the State of New York. Failing in trade, he removed to Conneaut,
in the State of Ohio, where he built a forge; but again failed, and was reduced to great poverty.
While in this condition, he endeavored to turn his education to account by writing a book, the
sale of which, he hoped, would enable him to pay his debts and support his family.
The subject selected for this purpose was one well suited to his religious education. The
work was to be a historical novel, containing a history of the Aborigines of America, who,
according to the notion of those who refer all questions of history, science, and morals to the
scriptures, were supposed to be decended from the Jews.
The title adopted was ‘The Manuscript Found,’ and the history commenced with one
Lehi, who lived in the reign of Zedekiah, King of Judea, six hundred years before the Christian
era. Lehi being warned of God of the dreadful calamities that were impending over Jerusalem,
abandoned his possessions, and fled with his family to the wilderness. After wandering about the
desert for a considerable time, they arrived upon the border of the Red Sea, and embarked on
board a vessel. In this they floated a long time on the ocean, but at last reached America, and
landed upon the shores of Darien. From the different branches of this family were made to spring
the various aboriginal nations of this continent. From time to time they rose to high degrees of
civilization; but desolating wars arose in turn, by which nations were overthrown, and reduced
again to barbarism. In this the condition of the Indians, at the time of Columbus’s discovery, was
accounted for; and the ancient mounds, fortifications, temples, and other vestiges of former
civilizations, found in North and South America, were explained. The governments of these
nations were represented as theocratic, like that of the Jews, from whom they descended, and
their national transactions were consequently regulated by their prophets and priests, who
received their commands directly from the Deity. In order, therefor, that the style of the romance
might be suited to the subject, and to the popular notions of the people, the author of the
Manuscript Found adopted that of the Bible—the old English style of James the First.
When the work was ready for press, Spalding endeavored to get the pecuniary assistance
necessary for its publication, but his affairs were in so low a condition that he could not
succeed.—He then removed to Pittsburgh, and afterwards to Amity, Pennsylvania, where he
died.—The widow of Spalding states, that while at Pittsburgh, she believes the manuscript was
carried to the printing house of Patterson and Lambdin; but how it afterwards fell into the hands
of Joseph Smith, junior, by whom the Golden Bible was published, cannot be positively proved.
Circumstances, however, have been traced, sufficiently strong to convince any one, that this
occurred through the agency of one Sidney Rigdon, who was one of the first preachers of the
Mormon faith. The manner, however, in which this occurred is of little importance. It has been
positively proved, since the Mormon Bible began to attract attention, that the historical part,
which is the frame work of the whole scheme, is the same as that in the Manuscript Found of
Solomon Spalding. Among the many respectable witnesses who have certified to this fact, are a a
rebrother, and also a sister-in-law of the author.
The next, and principle character in the humbug of Mormonism, is Joseph Smith, junior,
the great High Priest, Prophet, and Founder of the Religion.—Joseph Smith, the Father of the
prophet, emigrated from Royalton in Vermont, with his family, about the year 1820, and settled
in Manchester, in the State of New York. Young Joseph was at this time sixteen years of age.
The family appears to be very little respected by its neighbors, and remarkable for being lazy,
ignorant, and superstitious. They believe firmly in the appearance of ghosts, the power of
witches, and the telling of fortunes. And from time to time they were engaged, in conformity
with dreams and other signs and wonders, in digging in solitary places for treasures, supposed to
be hidden by Kidd or the Spaniards. Young Joseph became by degrees very much skilled in the
arts of necromancy and juggling. He had the power of using the divining rod, and of discovering
wonders in a peep stone; and having had the address to collect about him a gang of idle and
credulous young men, he employed them in diging for hidden treasures. It was afterwards
pretended that in one of the excavations thus made, the mysterious plates, from which the
Golden Bible was copied, were found. About the year 1825, it was said by the family that Joseph
began to have communication with angels and spirits, by which he learned many things that were
hidden to the senses and understandings of ordinary men. Among other things he was informed
by an angel of certain plates of unspeakable value, and of the manner in which they might be
obtained. But as is usual in such cases, he was thwarted and opposed for a long time by an evil
spirit, and it was not until 1827 that they were finally obtained.—The discovery was then noised
about the neighborhood by the family, who said that the plates contained a history of the
aborigines of this country, written in “reformed Egyptian characters,” which cannot be read by
any one of the present day except by the powers of God. Many proselytes were made among the
credulous; but none of them were permitted, at that time, to see the plates, for it was said by the
prophet that no one could look upon them and live. The translation was commenced by the
prophet himself, who was enabled to read the “reformed Egyptian” by the aid of the “peepstone.”
this was done by putting the stone in a hat or box, and then by applying his face, the
prophet was enabled to read one word at a time, which he pronounced aloud to an amanuensis.
After continuing in this manner for some time, he was commanded by God to remove into
Pennsylvania, for the purpose of escaping from certain evil minded men, who were instigated by
the devil to destroy him. There the translation was completed, and the plates were buried again in
the earth, by command of the Lord, in some place unknown to all.
In 1829, the Golden Bible, containing about six hundred pages, appeared in print, having
appended to it the testimony of eleven witnesses, to prove its divine origin. The three most
important of these witnesses, are Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whiteman; the first
two of whom acted as amanuenuis of Smith. These men declare upon oath, that the golden plates
from which the Mormon Bible has been translated, were shown to them by an angel, and that
they know the translation to have been made by the power of God, because it was so declared to
them by the Deity himself. Of the eight remaining witnesses, four were brothers of Whiteman,
and three of the family of Smith.
The Mormon Bible, as has been already stated, professes to furnish a history of part of
the Jewish nation. It pretended that Lehi, who escaped from Jerusalem 600 years before the
Christian era, took with him the plates which contained an engraved record of his tribe; and that
these plates being transmitted from father to son, the records of the people were continued, until
the fifth century, when the tribe being nearly exterminated, the plates were sealed up and hidden
in the earth, where they were afterwards found by Joseph the prophet.
According to these records, prophets and generals arose from time to time of great
renown among the people, and the various events which commonly took place in the progress of
nations, occurred in their regular order. By the prophets, the most prominent coming events were
foretold, especially the coming and crucifixion of Christ, the early condition of the Christian
church, the reformation, and the coming of the prophet Joseph in later times. A great many
miracles were wrought, of course, to prove the divine authority of the prophecies. The generals
had occupation enough in the various wars which arose among the nations descended from the
family of Lehi. In one of their military expeditions an army was led into a distant country, which
they found entirely desolated by the ravages of war, and filled with bones of men and beasts.
Here, among the ruins, they found some golden plates, containing a record of the people of Jared,
who had escaped the confusion at Babel, and had been conducted by the Lord through Asia to
the sea, and finally to America. These people having been entirely exterminated in wars, their
records were preserved, and sealed up with the records of Lehi.
Before the publication of the Mormon Bible, many ignorant and credulous persons had
been prepared to receive it, by the wonderful stories related by Smith. It was accordingly
received as soon as it was issued from the press, by a sufficient number to form the nucleus as a
new community of devotees. The arguments principally relied on at first to increase the number
of proselytes, were the internal evidence of the book itself, and the striking exhibitions of the will
and power of God through Joseph Smith. In addition to the extraordinary condescension of the
Deity, in sending angels and spirits to hold communications with him, it seemed marvelous in
the eyes of the people, that a man who could neither read nor write, and who was consequently
unacquainted with the science and literature of the world, should be able to produce such a
work—a work wonderful in itself, and still more so from having been translated from a language
no longer understood by the world, and found engraved on plates which had been buried for
centuries in the earth. Smith is represented as a man exceedingly fitted for the task he had to
perform. For, although ignorant, he possessed strong natural powers of mind, an inventive
genius, easy address, facinating manners, a mild and sober exterior, and was withal an excellent
judge of human feelings and passions.—Soon after the Mormon Bible was published, a member
of a congregation of people in Ohio, called Cambellites, happened to be travelling in the State of
N. York, where he heard of the golden plates.—Urged by curiosity, he called upon Smith to
make inquiries, and was converted to the new faith. On his return he was accompanied by
missionaries, who had been commissioned by Smith to convert the Indians. And on arriving in
Ohio, the new religion, its missionaries, and its wonders, were presented to the Cambellites.
These people having been for a long time under the dominion of enthusiasm, and hoping that the
millenium or some other grand event was about to happen, were in the right condition to receive
the new revelation. A great many of them were converted, and with them Sidney Rigdon, their
preacher, a man of powerful eloquence, and of great popularity among them.