“References to the Book of Mormon.” 1835.


“References to the Book of Mormon.” 1835. REFERENCES TO THE BOOK OF MORMON. FIRST BOOK OF NEPHI Page The language of the book. 5 Lehi flees into the wilderness. 9 An angel appears to Laman and his brethren. 11 Nephi slais Laban 13 Sariah complains of Lehi’s visions 14 Contents of the brass plates 15 Ishmael and his family takes their journey 17 Nephi is bound by his brethren . . Messiah or the prophet spoken of 22 Nephi’s vision 24 The great abominable church 28 Columbus spoken of 29 Situation of the bible spoken of . . The book of Mormon promised 31 The Holy Spirit promised to the faithful . . Other books promised also . . The book of Mormon and bible to be one 32 A promise to the Gentiles . . Annihilation spoken against . . The two churches spoken of 33 Nephi saw John the revelator 34 Lehi’s sons take wives 39 Lehi finds a brass ball or director . . Nephi breaks his bow 40 The directors work by faith . . Death of Ishmael 41 Lehi and Nephi threatened by Laman and others . . Nephi threatened again by his brethren 46 They were about to worship Nephi 47 Jacob and Joseph born 48 They dance in the ship . . They arrive to the land of promise 49 They make plates of ore 50 Zenos Neum and Zenock spoken of 51 Quotation from the bible 52 Messiah or the prophet spoken of 58 SECOND BOOK OF NEPHI Liberty promised if faithful 60 Adam and Eve in innocence & c. 65 A prophet promised to the Lamanites 68 The death of Lehi 69 Nephi seperates from Laman 71 Nephi builds a temple 72 Laman and his seed cursed 73 Quotation from the bible 75 Darkness of prophecy 103 Crucifixion of Christ foretold 104 Christ the only true Messiah 105 Use of the law of Moses . . Priestcraft condemned 109 A great and marvelous work foretold . . State of the Gentiles in that day 112 Mercy yet for the Gentiles 116 Lamanites is to become a delightsome people 117 Doctrine of Christ spoken of 118 BOOK OF JACOB. Death of Nephi 124 More than one wife forbidden 127 Trees removed by faith 130 The Jews sought dark sayings . . Parable of the olive tree 131 Sherem the antichrist 140 BOOK OF ENOS. Records threatened by the Lamanites 144 BOOK OF OMNI. Zarahemla discovered 149 Engravings on a stone 150 THE WORDS OF MORMON. False christs, false prophets & c. 153 BOOK OF MOSIAH. King Benjamin’s sermon 156 Coming of Christ foretold 160 Interpreters and 24 plates 172 Abinadi the prophet 179 Of the resurection 189 [page i] Preaching of Alma 192 Daughters of the Lamanites stolen 196 The twenty four plates 200 The Nephites flee into the wilderness 201 Kings forbidden of the Lord 203 Threatened for praying 206 King Limhi is baptized. 208 Priests and teachers labor. 212 Alma beheld an angel. 212 Alma struck dumb. 212 The twenty four plates translated. 216 The records given to Alma. 217 Judges chosen by the people. 220 BOOK OF ALMA. Nehor the universalian. 221 Amlici the universalist. 224 Amlici is made a king 225 Two armies unite. 226 Amlici slain in battle. 227 March of the Lamanites. 228 The Lamanites come up to battle 229 Great pride in the Church. 230 Wonderful preaching by Alma. 232 A commandment to meet often. 238 Alma sees an angel. 243 Names of money. 252 Zeezrom trembles. 254 The priest-hood of Melchesedek. 258 The scriptures and people burned. 262 A great earthquake. 264 Zeezrom healed. 265 The Lamanites converted. 265 King Lamoni falls, being overcome by the Spirit. 276 Ammon and Lamonimet Lamoni’s father. 280 Account of Aaron and his brethren. 282 Lamoni’s father converted. 285 Lamoni’s father falls. 286 They take the name of Anti-Lehi-Nephi. 290 Death of Lamoni’s father. 291 They bury their swords. 292 Massacre of the Anti-Lehi-Nephi’s. 293 Ammon rebuked by Aaron. 296 Ammon falls upon the earth. 300 The Anti-Lehi-Nephi’s remove to Jershon. 301 Great mourning among the Nephites. 302 Korihor the Anti-Christ. 305 Korihor struck dumb. 309 The Zoramites worship Idols. 310 do do preach election. 311 Alma laid hands on his brethren. 313 do description of faith. 315 Words of Zenos the prophet. 317 do do Zenock do do. 318 Alma’s knowledge of Christ. 319 do instruction to Helaman. 323 The directors spoken of. 328 Alma’s instruction to Shiblon 330 do do do Corianton. 332 The unpardonable sin spoken of. 332 The resurrection spoken of. 334 do restoration do do. 336 Moroni’s speech to Zerahemnah. 345 The prophecy of a soldier. 346 do do do Alma. do 348 Alma’s strange departure. 349 Persecution of the Church. 350 Moroni’s curious standard. 350 The wonderful plot of Amalickiah. 354 The two thousand young men. 376 Forts built by Moroni. 358 Amalickiah killed by Teancum. 370 The Lamanites made Drunk with wine. 380 Moroni’s stratagem. 384 do complaint to the chief Judge. 395 The Judges reply. 398 Teancum slain. 404 Death of Moroni. 405 A great emigration by water. 405 Ships built by Hagoth. 406 Death of Shiblon. 406 BOOK OF HELAMAN. Assassination of Pahoran the chief Judge. 408 Gadianton the robber. 410 Death of Kishkumen. 411 Cement houses built. 412 The Nephites became Lamanites. 413 A great addition to the church. 414 Death of Helaman. 415 Nephi confers the judgment seat to another. 417 Eight thousand Lamanites converted 419 Nephi and Lehi cast into prison. 419 Assassination of Cezoram the chief Judge. 420 [ page ii] The chief Judge Murdered by his brother. 431 Nephi hears the voice of God. 434 do taken up by the Spirit. 435 A famine in the land 436 The Gadianton band destroyed. 437 The famine removed. 437 The reappearance of the robbers. 438 The hearts of the people hardened. 439 The movement of the earth. 440 The prophecy of Samuel the Lamanite. 441 The wicked spared for the righteous’ sake. 442 The hiding of riches in the earth. 443 The people complain of their fathers. 443 The precepts of men received. 444 They cast stones at Samuel 449 BOOK OF NEPHI THE SON OF NEPHI. The strange departure of Nephi. 452 The sign of the birth of Christ. 453 They contend about the law of Moses. 454 The curse of the Lamanites taken off. 456 An epistle of Giddianhi to Lachoneus. 457 The Nephites gather into one place. 459 The death of Giddianhi the robber. 461 Zemnarihah hanged. 462 Destruction of the government. 467 The dead raised to life. 469 The crucifixion of Christ. 470 The three days of darkness. 471 The end of the law of Moses. 474 Christ appeared to the Nephites. 476 The manner of baptism. 478 The doctrine of Christ. 478 The end of the law of Moses. 485 Christ spake of other sheep. 486 A blessing to the Gentiles on conditions. 487 A promise to the Israelites. 488 Quotation from the bible. 488 Christ healed their sick. 489 Christ spake words that could not be written. 489 Jesus administers the sacrament. 490 The example of prayer. 491 A commandment to meet often. 492 Open meetings set forth. 492 Unworthy members forbidden the Sacrament. 492 Names of the twelve disciples. 493 The twelve baptized. 494 Christ appeared the second time. 494 The twelve made white. 495 Christ breaks bread again. 496 A curse upon the Gentiles. 497 The New Jerusalem spoken of. 497 The coming in of the Jews. 498 Quotation from the bible. 498 A sign of the fulness of times. 499 Joseph the seer spoken of. 500 The New Jerusalem spoken of. 500 Quotation from the bible. 501 The prophecy of Malachi written. 503 Our faith tried by the book of Mormon. 506 The children’s tongues loosed. 506 Christ raised a man from the dead. 506 They had all things common. 507 Christ appeared the third time. 507 The name of the church. 507 The gospel of Christ. 508 A peculiar blessing on the twelve. 509 A great blessing upon the Gentiles. 513 They had all things common. 514 They were all Nephites. 515 The Lamanites arose again. 516 The three disciples cast into prison. 517 The Gadianton robbers again. 517 BOOK OF MORMON. Amaron hid up the records. 518 The three disciples taken from them. 519 Their treasures become slippery. 520 Mormon dug up the plates from the hill Shim. 526 Mormon hid up the records in the hill Cumorah. 525 The Nephites destroyed from off the land. 536 The language of the book. 538 BOOK OF ETHER. Jared and his brother driven out. 540 Restrictions on those who live on this land. 541 The barges built. 542 The sixteen stones were moulten. 543 The Interpreters given to the broth- [ iii] er of Jared. 545 They arrive to the promised land. 549 The wickedness of the daughter of Jared. 553 The names of animals. 556 The poisonous serpents. 557 Moroni’s discourse upon faith. 563 The mountain removed. 565 The New Jerusalem spoken of. 566 The people of Jared destroyed. 575 BOOK OF MORONI. Moroni’s discourse upon faith, hope and charity. 577 Mormon’s epistle to Moroni on baptism. 581 Mormon’s second epistle. 583 Moroni’s exhortation. 585