“The Book of Mormon.” The Evening and the Morning Star (Inde
“The Book of Mormon.” The Evening and the Morning Star (Independence, Missouri) 2, no.
13 (June 1833): 98.
NOTWITHSTANDING the church of Christ has received the fulness of the gospel from the
book of Mormon, and every member as a true disciple of the blessed Savior, studies it as a
heavenly treasure, yet few, very few of our fellow men in the world, know any thing about the
merits of this sacred volume. We therefore, have concluded to commence its publication in the
Star, and shall continue from number to number until it is finished.
By this means the world will have an opportunity to read for themselves, and prepare for
the great days to come. By this means those who are seeking for truth can find it, and compare
the book of Mormon with the bible, and witness the great doings of the Lord in these last days, in
bringing forth his everlasting covenant for the gathering of his elect, and the restoration of the
tribes, and scattered remnants of Israel from the four quarters of the earth.
We have again inserted the articles and covenants according to our promise in a previous
number, for the benefit of our brethren abroad who have not the first number of the first volume.
As there were, some errors which had got into them by transcribing, we have since obtained the
original copy and made the necessary corrections.
[Excerpt from the 1830 edition printed (1 Nephi 1:1–3:14).]