“ Rise and Progress of the Church of Christ.” The Evening an
“ Rise and Progress of the Church of Christ.” The Evening and the Morning Star
( Independence, Missouri) 1, no. 11 ( April 1833): [ 84].
HAVING promised in our last number, something on the rise and progress of the church
of Christ, we commence with the intention of giving a relation of a few facts, as they have
occurred since the church was organized in eighteen hundred and thirty. We shall be brief in this
article, as we design to give from time to time the progress of this church, for the benefit of
inquirers as well as the satisfactions of those who believe.
Soon after the book of Mormon came forth, containing the fulness of the gospel of Jesus
Christ, the church was organized on the sixth of April, in Manchester; soon after, a branch was
established in Fayette, and the June following, another in Colesville, New York.
We shall not give, at this time, the particulars attending the organization of these
branches of the church; neither shall we publish in this, the account of the persecution of those
who were then called and authorized to preach the everlasting gospel. Twenty more were added
to the church in Manchester and Fayette, in the month of April; and on the 28th of June, thirteen
were baptized in Colesville: and of these we can say as Paul said of the five hundred who saw
the Savior after he had risen from the dead: The greater part remain unto this present, but some
are fallen asleep. In October, ( 1830) the number of disciples had increased to between seventy
and eighty, when four of the elders started for the west, and founded a branch of the church at
Kirtland, Ohio, around which many have since arisen.
These first four, having added one to their number, proceeded to the west, after having
baptized one hundred and thirty disciples in less than four weeks and ordained four of them
elders, and finally stopped in the western bounds of the state of Missouri, having been preserved
by the hand of the Lord, and directed by his Spirit.
In the winter, ( 1831) the church in the state of New York, after a commandment had been
received from the Lord, began to prepare to remove to the state of Ohio. The following is a part
of the revelation referred to above: And that ye might escape the power of the enemy, and be
gathered unto me a righteous people without spot and blameless: wherefore for this cause I gave
unto you the commandment that ye should go to the Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law,
and there you shall be endowed with power from on high, and from thence, whomsoever I will
shall go forth unto all nations, and it shall be told them what they shall do, for I have a great
work laid up in store: for Israel shall be saved, and I will lead them whithersoever I will, and no
power shall stay my hand.
In the spring the greater part of the disciples who were in New York, removed to the
Ohio. In June, the word having been preached in many places and hundreds having been
baptized, a number of the elders, by the commandment of the Lord, journeyed west, proclaiming
the gospel and bearing testimony of the work of the Lord in these last days; saying none other
things than that which the prophets and apostles had written, and that which was taught them by
the Comforter, by the prayer of faith, as the Lord has said. Many gladly received the word and
were baptized, so that branches of the church were built up in many places, notwithstanding the
opposition with which the elders were often met.
Indeed we have the testimony before our eyes of the faithfulness with which they
discharged their duty in publishing salvation to their fellow men. Many have already come up to
the land of Zion who were fruits of their labors; and by what we can learn from time to time, we
are reminded of the parable of the seed, for we are certain that much of it has fallen on good
ground: and we are sure, having the testimony in our hearts, that those faithful elders, although
often fatigued and wearied with the length of their journey, will at the last day receive a crown of
eternal life, and joy unspeakable in the everlasting kingdom of God and the Lamb, with those
that they were the means of turning from darkness to light. And while reflecting on this subject,
as few words from Daniel seems to be applicable: And they that be wise shall shine as the
brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars forever and
ever. For the word of the Lord to them has thus far been verified, which says: Let them go two
by two, and thus let them preach by the way in every congregation, baptizing by water, and the
laying on of the hands by the water’s edge; for thus saith the Lord, I will cut my work short in
righteousness: for the days cometh that I will send forth judgment unto victory.
In July they began to arrive in the western boundaries of Missouri, and shortly after, a
branch of the church from Colesville, New York, came on by water, and thus the gathering
From this time, the progress of the church though gradual, has been more than many of
great faith had anticipated. Many churches have been built up in different states, and some
hundreds of members have come up to this land, and are striving to keep the commandments of
the Lord, that they may be prepared, whether in life or in death, to meet him when he comes in
his glory with all his holy angels.
It may be proper to say, as we have often said before, that this church is taught by the
revelations of the Lord, in all things, as they have been received from time to time from the days
of Adam, until now. And it is really a matter of joy to see how fast the work of the gathering is
continuing amid the discouragements, persecutions, and false statements of the world.
It has been reported that the church had settled in this country, and were living as one
family. This is not so.
The faith of the church has greatly increased in these first three years of its existence, in
these last days. Much is said at home and abroad about Mormonites, as the world has seen fit to
call the diciples of Jesus Christ, but wherever the gospel has been truly set forth; wherever the
book of Mormon has been fully explained and understood, and wherever men have listened with
unprejudiced minds to learn the truth for the purpose of escaping the desolations and calamities
which are already abroad in the earth, there the Lord has borne record of his own work by his
While the gifts in many instances have been manifested beyond doubt, in healing the
sick, & c. some have doubted and some have believed, as in the days of the apostles; and even
from the beginning this has been the case more or less, and will be till satan is bound.
We promised to correct as many falsehoods as we could, that were in circulation. In this
article we have commenced, but upon looking at some of the late misrepresentations that have
found their way to the public, we think the best method will be for us to continue an account of
the rise and progress of the church, and publish the truth as we have done; for, of all the
statements that have been published in the newspapers of the day concerning this church, not one
has reached us but what in a greater or less degree was untrue; and what adds more to our
astonishment, is, that these publications came from those who profess the religion of Christ. By
this however we do not intend to cast any reflections, for we remember the example of our Lord,
who, when he was reviled, reviled not again.
The progress of the church has been great, and while we witness the spread of the work,
knowing it is of God, we are willing to give the world all the light we can that will lead them to