“ Some of Mormon’s Teaching.” The Evening and the Morning St

“ Some of Mormon’s Teaching.” The Evening and the Morning Star ( Independence, Missouri) 1, no. 8 ( January 1833): [ 60]. SOME OF MORMON’S TEACHING. KNOWING that truth, goodness and glory are eternal, and desiring that the disciples may obtain one by the aid of the other till they come to the third through diligence, patience, long suffering and faith to the end, we select a paragraph or two from the teachings of Mormon. Notwithstanding some may suppose that they can read the same things in the book of Mormon, still, to stir up the pure minds, by way of remembrance, that they may be mindful of the words of the prophets, and of the commandments, is pleasing in the sight of God, and needful to keep them growing in grace. When the extract that we are about to make has been read once, read it again, and so on till the Lord grants you a portion of his Spirit sufficient to write as well as Mormon. The inhabitants of Zion are brought under condemnation for neglecting the book of Mormon, from which they not only received the new covenant, but the fulness of the gospel. Has this been done for the sake of hunting mysteries in the prophecies? or has it come to pass by carelessness? O brethren, walk circumspectly before the Lord and bring fruits meet for repentance, that you pollute not the heritage of God. You cannot serve God and mammon; be good, for the just shall live by faith. But to the extract: [ Moroni 7 from the 1830 edition printed.]