“Mormonism” Morning Star (Limerick, Maine) 7, no. 20 (16 Nov
“Mormonism” Morning Star (Limerick, Maine) 7, no. 20 (16 November 1832). Reprinted
from the Christian Herald (Boston), circa November 1832.
We understand that two Mormonite preachers have lately entered this State, and are now
travelling from place to place, diligently laboring to make proselytes to their detestable and
wicked system. In order to put the public on their guard against these impostors, we publish the
following extract from a letter written by a gentleman in Windsor, Broome Co. N. Y. to his
friend in Boston, dated Aug. 30, 1832. We copy it from the Boston Christian Herald.
It is more difficult to obtain information of this kind than one would think, other than
hearsay. The fact that J. Smith, Jr., and others, dug in various places for money, is easily proved;
at the great bend or near there, that there was a company digging part of two years could be
easily proved;—but that Smith said that there was money buried there by some Spaniards could
not be so easily proved, though it is generally believed; and also that toward the last of the
digging there, he sold out shares in the treasure to as many as he could, and when he quit
digging, said that the money had sunk down to a great depth. I have seen a hole eight or ten feet
deep, on the creek back of Captain Waller’s, where it was said Smith said there was treasure. On
Monument Hill near to what is call “The Monument,” there is a hole dug 25 or 30 feet deep,
where it is said Smith said that two veins of gold crossed each other as large as a barrel. On Mr
Samuel Stowe’s flat, a hole was dug one night and filled again, and Smith was said to be one of
the number. I might mention a hole on the back side of the hill over the river against where I live,
and other places, if it were necessary; but I forbear.
I called on several persons to gain what information I could. The most I could get was
hearsay.—Among others, I called on Mr William Devenport, who went out with the Mormons to
Ohio—and has since returned. He says that he bore his own expenses out, but was often
importuned by their leader to put his money into the common stock, and was told, that those who
did not would be struck dead the moment they arrived on the promised land—like Ananias and
Sapphira. He said that the only object of the leaders was in this, to the money into their own
hands and keep it. He mentioned a widow Peck of Bainbridge, who, he said, paid in $500 and
went with them; but could not get a cent on the way to procure something for a sick child. Said
that he lived between two and three miles from where they settled in Ohio, and that Smith had a
new commandment every few days through the summer, a year ago, and that last summer he
thought there was not a fortnight in which he did not have a new commandment. Smith
pretended to go into the woods and converse with the Almighty. Mr Devenport said he had lately
received a letter from William Youman’s widow, who went out with the Mormons, and had
since left them and got married, stating that a Mr Rigdon, or a name that sounded like it, their
principal preacher under Smith, said lately that the Mormon religion was not true, and in
consequence had been silenced by Smith. Enclosed I send you some testimony taken on trial in
Colesville. Several offered to testify to what N. Knight had said of Smith’s casting a devil out of
him; some thought he had returned and would seem to allude to the unclean spirit mentioned in
the Gospels.
The following is the report of the trial forwarded by the writer above, and referred to in
the letter:
The people,
vs. Samuel Dickenson,
Joseph Smith, jr. Complainant.
The defendant was brought before me by virtue of a warrant on the 30th day of June, A.
D. 1830, on a charge “that he, the said Joseph Smith, Jr., had been guilty of a breach of the
peace, against the good people of the state of New York, by looking through a certain stone to
find hid treasures, &c., within the Statute of Limitation.
To the charge, the defendant plead not guilty. At the instance of the people, Joseph A.S.
Austin was by me duly sworn, and says “that he had been acquainted with Smith, the prisoner,
for several years; that prisoner pretended to look in a certain glass, or stone, and said he could
tell where stolen goods were, and could discover mines of gold and silver under ground; made
some pretence at telling fortunes, but he, witness, never knew of prisoner’s finding any thing by
his pretended art. Once witness asked prisoner to tell him if he, prisoner, could tell any thing by
looking in said glass, and wished a candid and true answer. Prisoner told witness frankly, he
could not see any thing, and in answer, prisoner likewise observed to witness, any thing you
know for a living: says, two years before this present time, he saw prisoner drink a certain
quantity of distilled liquor, and was drunk, as he does believe; for he could not stand up, but lay
in the woods for some hours.
Harriss Stowel, being by me sworn, saith, “he has been acquainted with the prisoner for a
number of years past; that prisoner said he could look in a certain stone or glass, and could tell
where money and hid treasures were, and could tell where gold and silver mines, and salt springs
were; and that Smith, the prisoner, the pretended prophet and money digger, had followed
digging for money, for salt, and for gold and silver mines for a number of years; that others, by
his instigation, had followed digging; that at one time, witness hid a bag of grain in his barn, told
Smith he had lost a bag of grain, and wished prisoner to find it; prisoner looked in his glass in
vain, for he could not find it; prisoner, after using all his art for a number of days, offered to give
witness’ brother fifty cents (so his brother told witness,) to find where the grain was, and tell
him, prisoner, unbeknown to witness, so that Smith, the prisoner, might have the credit of finding
the grain.”
Cross questions—says, he has not known the prisoner to look in the glass within the
space of two years last past.
Josiah Stowel, being by me sworn, saith, he has been acquainted with Smith, the prisoner,
for quite a number of years; that he did pretend to tell by looking in a stone, or glass, where
money and goods and mines were in a manner peculiar to himself; the prisoner had followed
digging for money; pretended to find mines, hid treasures, and lost goods, and frequently others
would be digging with him; says that about three years since, prisoner was put under arrest by an
officer at Bainbridge in Chenango county, for breaking the peace, and that he escaped from the
officer and went to Palmyra; and that about two years since, witness was at Palmyra, and saw
prisoner; that prisoner told witness that the Lord had told prisoner that a golden Bible was in a
certain hill; that Smith, the prisoner, went in the night, and brought the Bible, (as Smith said;)
witness saw a corner of it; it resembled a stone of a greenish caste; should judge it to have been
about one foot square and six inches thick; he would not let it be seen by any one; the Lord had
commanded him not; it was unknown to Smith, that witness saw a corner of the Bible, so called
by Smith; told the witness the leaves were of gold; there were written characters on the leaves;
prisoner was commanded to translate the same by the Lord; and from the Bible got from the hill,
as aforesaid, the prisoner said he translated the book of Mormon; prisoner put a certain stone into
his hat, put his face into the crown, then drew the brim of the hat around his head to prevent
light—he could then see, as prisoner said, and translate the same, the Bible, got from the hill in
Palmyra, at the same time under a lock and in a chest; and the prisoner, when looking for money,
salt springs, hid treasures, &c., looked in the same manner; did not know that prisoner could find
money lost, &c.; and that prisoner told witness after he was arrested in Bainbridge, he would not
look for money, &c. any more; told witness he could see into the earth forty or fifty feet,” &c.
Newel Knights, sworn, saith, “prisoner could see in a stone as stated by Stowel; that
formerly he looked for money, &c., but latterly he had become holy, was a true preacher of the
Gospel of Christ, possessed the power of casting out devils; he knew it to be a fact, that he,
Smith, the prisoner, had cast a devil from him, witness, in manner following, viz. witness was in
mind impressed; he and Smith did conclude and knew the devil was in witness; they joined
hands, their faith became united, the devil went out of witness, witness knew it to be a fact, for
he saw the devil as he departed; Smith did it by the power of God,” &c.
A true copy from minutes taken by me on the trial.
JOEL K. NOBLE, J. Peace.
Dated, Colesville, Aug. 28, 1832.
STATE OF NEW YORK, Personally came before me, Joel K. Noble, justice of the peace
Broome County, of said town of Colesville, Preston T. Wilkins, known by me to be
Town of Colesville, ss. the same person, and being by me duly sworn, saith, that Newel
Knights did style himself a prophet of the Lord, and was ordained by Joseph Smith, Jr., the
pretended author of the book of Mormon, as the said Newel told him, this deponent, and his
deponent understood so by others, that the said Newel was so ordained; that the said Newel told
this deponent he knew past, present and future; that in order to ascertain the prophetic ability of
the said Newel, the deponent went and took from the father of said Newel, a Mormon Bible, (so
called,) unbeknown to any one, as this deponent believes, and buried it under his own door-step
(witnesses): in the morning the book was found; this deponent went to the aforesaid Newel, told
him the mystery that had happened; the said Newel and father told this deponent it did not come
from this package of books; they counted them and were certain, as they said; the aforesaid
Newel told this deponent that God told him, the said Newel, that he had sent his angel to put the
book on the door-step, to convince him, this deponent, of the truth of the Mormon book, as also
to warn him to flee from the impending wrath.
Subscribed and sworn before me, this 28th day of August, 1832.
A true copy from the original affidavit on file in my office. J. K. NOBLE.
Colesville, Aug. 28, 1832.
Joseph Smith, jr. was discharged; he had not looked in the glass for two years to find
money, &c.,—hence it was outlawed.