“ The Book of Moroni,” The Evening and the Morning Star ( In

“ The Book of Moroni,” The Evening and the Morning Star ( Independence, Missouri) 1, no. 5 ( October 1832): [ 38]. THE BOOK OF MORONI. EVERY well- wisher to the cause of religion, every soul that is possessed of the least spark of divine love, and every disciple that ever had the Spirit of Christ move him to do god, must bear record of the truth of Moroni’s last epistle to the Lamanites. He touches the continuation of the gifts according to the promise of the Savior, so truly; and of their being done away for want of faith, so exactly, according to the unbelief of the world now, that we copy it into the Star, as a fair sample of purity: yea, as a guide by which the world may inquire of the Lord and know of a truth, that these things are so. [ Excerpt from the Book of Moroni follows. Chapter and verse numbers not included.]